
Out On A Limb Quotes

Out On A Limb by Hannah Bonam-Young

Out On A Limb Quotes
"You can't go a day without hearing the choice of pregnancy being debated."
"Pregnancy and babies are completely terrifying and, in equal measure, magical."
"Independence is a virtue, and one that is best learned without too many hard lessons."
"No contraceptive is 100 percent effective against pregnancy."
"When in doubt, take a shower. When in trouble, take a bath."
"Whatever you decide for yourself will be for the best. You have my full support for any choice."
"I worry that I only recognize that because I have it too."
"You can't change anything by hiding it. You’ll just look back on memories and realize you tried to erase yourself."
"It fucks you up, competing against low expectations. Nothing feels like a win."
"I, like most women my age, have learned to hate myself just enough to appease others."
"I didn’t want to achieve despite myself. I just wanted to feel ordinary."
"Regardless, I always knew I was loved. Even if I wanted the love from my mother delivered differently."
"I think of the many baths we’ll take together. All the wonderful things we’ll do together."
"I’m going to have to do it again. Because what comes next is an entirely new challenge."
"We have to want a solution to whatever or however many problems plague us in order to keep those factories running."
"That should absolutely be a determining factor when considering who to mix DNA with."
"The idea of having a constant supply of ice is making me a bit emotional."
"This is good, Win. This is a great place, and that’s a perfect room. Don’t be sad. Don’t cry."
"I’m not sad. It’s just a big change, you know?"
"Then it felt wonderful? The biggest blessing of your life? A gift from the heavens?"
"I cannot confuse being here with being wanted."
"Whoever decides to invest will be better off for it."
"I think I’d feel better if we just pretended you… didn’t."
"I’d do it all over again to be at that party."
"I’m just grateful to still be here, and for all that’s to come."
"Maybe what we lack in limbs, we make up for in enthusiasm and wits."
"I’m fully, madly, deeply, and unquestionably in love with you."
"I want to be loved by a man like Bo. I long to love him, the way he deserves."
"You’ve been showing me that I can rely on you with little acts every day."
"I love you so much it makes me feel like I’ve hated everything else in my life up until now."
"I’m not upset you didn’t tell me. I’m just… I wish I’d known."
"I think we both know how this is going to end."
"I feel very honoured to get to do this with you."
"Sometimes, it feels like saying I love you isn't enough. Not when my whole life has changed because of this man."
"Bo drives with the radio on, but we talk above it like always."
"Reveling in the simple notion that he is real. That someone could love me this much."
"Bo loves me for free. No expectations. No demands. Not a single ounce of selfishness."
"And the nothing too. The insignificant observations and the silly anecdotes that no one else would care to hear. Those are just as important."
"It’s because I do as I’m told," Bo whispers into my ear."
"I have a present for you," I say proudly. "I thought it would blow my cover if I brought it with us, but I wanted you to have something too."
"It's tiring," he says, lips squished against my bump."
"Every day for weeks afterward, I thought about you."