
Clockwork Angel Quotes

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Angel Quotes
"The handsome young fellow who's trying to rescue you from a hideous fate is never wrong. Not even if he says the sky is purple and made of hedgehogs."
"It is my belief that Downworlders are to be trusted--that, indeed, they hold the key to our eventual success against the demon realms."
"We are stronger and swifter than most humans. We are able to conceal ourselves with magics called glamours. And we are especially skilled at killing demons."
"It is not often that we bring a Downworlder into the Institute, or anyone who is not a Shadowhunter. It represents a great risk to us."
"If the world were not full of monsters, there would be no need for Shadowhunters."
"Shadowhunters grow up quickly, and Will did not investigate alone."
"We safeguard the Covenant Law and uphold the Accords--the laws that govern peace among Downworlders."
"We are bound by our own laws to help and aid Downworlders. To send you away with nowhere to go would break the Accords, which are important rules we must abide by."
"Most human beings never do. Most could not bear it."
"You have withstood what might have killed another young girl, Downworlder or not."
"There's plenty of sense in nonsense sometimes, if you wish to look for it."
"One must always be careful of books, and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us."
"The only thing that's worse than being hurt is everyone knowing that you're hurt."
"Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?"
"Pulvis et umbra sumus. It's a line from Horace. 'We are dust and shadows.'"
"We must not look at goblin men, We must not buy their fruits: Who knows upon what soil they fed, Their hungry thirsty roots?"
"When you're as weak-minded as he is, it's not surprising you get overtaken by madness."
"It's not a long life, killing demons; one tends to die young, and then they burn your body--dust to dust, in the literal sense."
"I believe we are dust and shadows. What else is there?"
"But you can't imagine the pain when your lungs finally give out."
"Women aren't meant to behave like that. We are meant to graciously preside over lovely homes."
"I believe in good and evil. And I believe the soul is eternal. But I don't believe in the fiery pit."
"The spoils of vice are a burdensome responsibility."
"Inanimate objects are harmless indeed, but one cannot always say the same of the men who use them."
"As you slay others, so shall you be slain. Your angel cannot protect you against that which neither God nor the devil has made."
"I value my existence as much as you do, Shadowhunter."
"I wish I could travel there. I've always wanted to travel."
"I am sure horrid Wil has told you, my parents, my dear papa and mama, are dead."
"If one of your parents was connected in some way to the magical world, doesn't it make sense that that connection might have something to do with it?"
"But now I cannot help but wonder if perhaps the life I had before was the dream and all this was the truth."
"You have a power of incalculable value. You need ask nothing of anyone."
"Whoever loves you now--and you must also love yourself--will love the truth of you."
"You're a decent Shadowhunter, James, and a gentleman."
"You might be thinking of vampires as feral monsters, but these vampires are not like that."
"He's very pretty, and vampires like that. I can't say I mind either."
"We cannot simply let de Quincey go on as he has."
"Humans have always been fascinated by the creatures--I suppose because they are humanoid but cannot die or be hurt."
"And have you made it against Covenant Law now to dislike Shadowhunters?"
"You make me laugh. From the moment you hit me with that bottle."
"You think she's pretty? I hadn't noticed, really."
"Sometimes I think we forget to ask whether it is good or bad for the world."
"Twenty bridges from Tower to Kew, wanted to know what the River knew."
"It's not my fault if you're doing a rotten job!"
"You make me ...," he broke off, looking at her, and she wondered if she looked the way she felt—stunned and breathless.
"I trust him," Jem said. "He lies consistently. He always invents the story that will make him look the worst."
"The more beautiful its skin is, the more deadly it is. That's what Will's like."
"But you're dead. Will killed you. I saw your body."
"You are responsible for the destruction of his home, the destruction of his people, the Children of the Night."
"Your angel cannot protect you against that which neither God nor the Devil has made."
"She has no gullet, and I would guess, no stomach. Her mouth ends in a sheet of metal behind her teeth."
"They're more sophisticated, made of tougher metals, and with a more advanced jointure."
"They do not have intelligence or will or life. And there is nothing demonic about them."
"We must find de Quincey before he succeeds in his goal."
"The lines deepened at the corners of Mortmain's mouth."
"I recognize that I failed him, failed him abominably."
"My brother. You let him sink into the Shadow World without a trace."
"When he told you he'd gone to work for de Quincey, you should have done something."
"That is why I am here. To try to make up for what I've done."
"I have always regretted introducing them to the Shadow World."
"I investigated, and an informant within the club told me."
"De Quincey and his ilk may despise Shadowhunters, but I do not."
"Goodness, you really do know all the terms, don't you."
"The moment the Dark Sisters work their spell, the army will rise."
"We must get to the Dark Sisters before they work their spell."
"No, we must manage the Dark Sisters on our own."
"But her sister brought her back via a necromantic charm."
"And Mizpah, for he said, the Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another."
"The Pyxis? What possible use could it be to you?"
"To have Thomas die before his eyes, and now this, too."
"No, you needn't do that, Will. It's not my blood."
"I did it," she said in the same firm little voice. "I did it to myself, Will."
"There was a woman, once, that the Dark Sisters made me Change into, who had died of a gunshot wound."
"I remember now," Will said without looking at her, "what it was I was trying to remember the other day."
"I have lost everything," Will thought. "Everything."
"The coward does it with a kiss, The brave man with a sword!"
"You care for me," Will said. His voice was cool and sure.
"And why shouldn't they? Covenant Law was Covenant Law; it could not be changed or broken."
"I thought he might wish to warm himself by the fire."