
Foul Lady Fortune Quotes

Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong

Foul Lady Fortune Quotes
"Out in the countryside, it doesn’t matter how loud you scream."
"Guard the perimeter. No one can know what is happening here."
"The pain is immediate: a liquid blaze, overwhelming every nerve nestled in its path."
"You are my greatest achievement, and greater still is yet to come."
"Weakness turns every limb heavy, each thought in their mind fleeting like ships sighted in fog."
"The train corridor was quiet except for the rumbling underfoot."
"You’d think there’s a fire somewhere with all this jostling."
"Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps—this was a game that haunted Rosalind late into her eternal nights."
"You’re going to kill me anyway. Why should I waste time on your questions?"
"Don’t make me laugh. I’m only dedicated to a good time."
"Orion Hong was a national spy. No matter how lightly he wanted to take the world, the world came barreling toward him at breakneck speed every second day."
"It means… I think it means you are effectively immortal."
"The universe had decided to play a cruel joke. It had peered into her thoughts and chosen to show her cousin’s smiling inked face."
"She did not treat it like vengeance. But she would be lying if she said she didn’t feel righteous with each hit."
"It was a good cover for being a covert operative for the Nationalists, she supposed."
"In this city, if you knew a language, you had associated with its culture in some way or another."
"Your cover stories must make sense, after all."
"You’re getting married. For this mission, the two of you will be abandoning your present code names and becoming one combined operative."
"Everyone in this city can be swayed for a price. You, however—I don’t think anything under this city’s sky could buy you over once you’ve set your mind on something."
"It was ironic, she knew—a squeamish assassin."
"I will gut you alive before you even see me coming."
"You can’t just play with a man’s feelings like that—"
"The problem is everywhere. The problem is any empire that thinks it can swallow others into its rule."
"Trauma doesn’t have to lead to destruction. Trauma can be the guiding point into something better, something stronger."
"One only needed to get a little huángjiǔ into him before he was proudly puffing his chest about his dear Xielian."
"Phoebe is someone who would accidentally pass information to the enemy because she felt bad, and I mean that in the most loving way possible."
"I don’t care about your war! Why are you fighting a civil war when there are real enemies at our border?"
"If they say that we blew up the tracks, then we blew up the tracks."
"If Shanghai fell... then they would withdraw, and no one would protest when the rest of China followed its flagship city, when it tipped sideways and submitted to occupation."
"Don’t worry," she had said quietly. She blew the poison. "It won’t hurt."
"If we rebuilt those areas, it would not be happening. If we hauled those people out and took their shabby shops down, there would be no killer."
"I have terrible experiences with the French, you see. All that égalité business stirred a beastly part of me."
"Mrs. Mu. Where did you say you were educated?"
"Don’t struggle. You know who I am, don’t you? If you love the Concession so much, you must have heard of me."
"They call me Lady Fortune—no matter how much I insist that it’s just Fortune."
"It doesn’t matter how much you suck up to the foreigners. It doesn’t matter how much you pretend to be distant from the rest of us."
"Retribution for my country. Vengeance for my city. That was how I was redeeming my name."
"You know where to find me," General Hong replied, giving a smile that did not reach his eyes.
"Nation over everything," Oliver repeated. "But not you, sweetheart. Never your life in exchange."
"Press lightly on the pen. It’s running out of ink."
"Both of you are intent on delivering burdensome information today."
"You must keep those code names to yourself," he warned.
"You’re strong," she whispered to herself. "An agent, a dancer."
"None of this," Rosalind muttered under her breath, "makes any goddamn sense."
"Is it big and glamorous? Are there rooms that should be filled sitting empty and forlorn instead?"
"Then you speak of every agent. Of course we all have nowhere else to go."
"Trust me," Rosalind said. "If there was something that could have been done, I would have done it myself. I am not defenseless."
"You’re okay," Rosalind repeated more kindly. "You’re going to be okay, I promise."
"I don’t need your warning," she wanted to call back.
"How did you not begin at the easiest starting point?"
"I gave you these instructions, scamp," Orion sighed.
"Does your husband know yet that it was you who killed Tong Zilin?"
"Can we resume this conversation another time?"
"Don’t stop on my behalf. I have nowhere else to be. Except jail, apparently."
"You think it has to do with your investigation at Seagreen?"
"It has something to do with it, but I can’t figure out what."
"The world moves for her. She doesn’t move with the world."
"If you need anyone to tail Liza Ivanova, let me know."
"We’re not doing nothing. A skilled agent is at work on it."
"It’s too dangerous. No more pursuit after the last time was a failure."
"What is family for if not to love us and then break our hearts?"
"I’ll fetch you your coat. Burkill Road, off we go."
"You’ll have a meeting with Ambassador Deoka in ten minutes."
"My apologies. My last call dropped, and then I was summoned away."
"You waited for me to get back. You could have easily made a detour to Burkill Road yourself."
"All the world’s a stage, and all the people merely players."
"The city slowly rots. Loose governance and Western governance are equally dangerous."
"We don’t need to pick up a torch when we can manipulate the war’s fire before it starts."
"It was dark inside, one exposed lightbulb hanging from the ceiling."
"The light was flickering, turning even dimmer."
"The man paused, looking down. He crumpled to the floor with a thud."
"The walls seemed to shudder at the very thought of a bullet being fired."
"It wouldn’t until the poison was counteracted."
"Don’t worry! This is my wife. She just drank too much at a banquet."
"She was the tragic and terrible story of how Fortune came to be."
"Her hand shot out, grasping his wrist weakly."
"The fewer people who knew about it, the fewer victims."
"I can’t stop him from working for the other side of a war."
"The only thing I might suffer from is utter boredom."
"Suddenly afraid that the photo might blow away with the wind, she dropped to her knees and scooped it up, wiping at the surface as if she might be able to erase what it was showing her."
"It didn’t take long to arrive at Burkill Road. It didn’t take long to slink along the pavement, keeping close to the shop fronts and saloon chairs until she was approaching the residence."
"Who? When the killer looks, there is a girl braced for combat in the alley, eyes blazing."
"It only sounded like it would make its victims into aspiring athletes."
"Rosalind felt the shift in the room when Orion stirred back to consciousness."
"I ask for your trust. Whatever I am guilty of, I will fix it. Whatever I have done, I will atone for it."
"Rosalind’s grip tightened. A few buildings over, the clock tower on the Custom House stood silent and ominous."
"Rosalind went into the restaurant, then descended the stairs to the old Scarlet labs hidden belowground."
"I can’t tell you exactly what it is in such a short time, but I can take a guess at its effects: Aiding blood flow. Strength stimulants. Creatine overproduction."
"I have seen this once before." He put a droplet of something into the dish. It fizzled, then calmed.
"You accused me of being a philanderer, and suddenly I wanted to prove you wrong."
"I want nothing to do with it. I want a cure."
"This really isn’t my ideal way of meeting my in-laws either."
"Why didn’t you care enough to figure it out?"