
Two Twisted Crowns Quotes

Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig

Two Twisted Crowns Quotes
"What was another cut, another scar? Ravyn’s hands were but blunt tools. Not the instruments of a gentleman, but of a man-at-arms—Captain of the Destriers. Highwayman. Traitor."
"Ravyn paid the mist no mind. He, too, was of salt. Sweat, blood, and magic."
"Ravyn knew death—had been its exactor. He’d watched light go out of men’s eyes. Heard final, gasping breaths."
"Mist seeped into the chamber through the window. It slipped through the cracks of the rotted-out ceiling, salt clawing at Ravyn’s eyes."
"His eyes snapped back to the girl in the yew tree. 'What happened to your father?' Tilly did not answer."
"But just like her voice, there was something undeniably wrong about Elspeth’s body."
"The air grew thinner the farther north he trod. The dungeon walk sloped, falling deeper into the earth."
"Elm took off his gloves, dipping his hand into his tunic pocket, the feel of velvet at the edges of his Scythe Card a familiar comfort."
"But the girl in the tree remained unmoving, though the branch beneath her trembled and the yew tree’s leaves whistled in the wind."
"He’d used the Mirror a thousand times before to be invisible. But Ravyn had always been careful never to use it too long."
"You stood at the right hand of the throne. The Scythe—and all the pain it brings—is your responsibility."
"The moment the infection touched her blood, she was bound to be a liar. That's how things are, in Blunder."
"You have a red Card in your own pocket, do you not?"
"A dead man could have wielded the Scythe sooner than you."
"If you think this is about beauty—that I am opposed to what the Maiden has done—you are wrong."
"You’re a Prince of Blunder. What you like is of no consequence."
"I aim to be better. If you are disappearing like Elspeth did—and have little choice in the matter—I would like to help you."
"Everything is going to get better for you, Em. I promise."
"Elm’s mouth went dry, the hazy edges of his vision hurtling into sharp focus."
"Ione folded her arms in front of her. "Where’s your Scythe?""
"Elm smiled. "Let’s see—which memory of Ione Hawthorn shall I pull from…?""
""The smile lines, I was fond of." His gaze traced the corners of her mouth, her eyes."
""You were the strangest girl I’d ever seen. Because no one at Stone is happy. They pretend at it, or drink, but the performance has its tells. But not you. You were… painfully real.""
""You really thought I wouldn’t remember you?""
""Your eyes are the only thing the Maiden hasn’t altered too much. Only, before Equinox, they were happy.""
""What was it?" The Nightmare closed his eyes and tapped his sword on the yew tree three times. Click, click, click."
""The journey to the Twin Alders will three barters take. The first comes at water—a dark, mirrored lake.""
""He’s not going to say anything," Elm said, adjusting himself in his pants."
""It’s hardly my fault, dearest, that they are pathetic swimmers.""
"Had they been soldiers under his command, Ravyn would have dismissed Otho and Hesis for their ineptitude."
"I didn’t mean to say it. That smoke—that magic—"
"I don’t know what happened to your children. But I know you would not want to see Elspeth harmed."
"I’m going to get her back. No matter the cost."
"There are many things the King does not want made public."
"No one who feels nothing would work so tirelessly to get their feelings back."
"I know there is a warmth in you not even the Maiden can confine."
"I’d be your King, but always your servant. Never your keeper."
"I’d like to know the real you. Whenever you’re ready."
"I’m a thief. A liar. Most would find my virtue lacking."
"What we consume, we pour back into the mist."
"I am the shepherd of shadow. The phantom of the fright."
"I would rather Stone burned before I saw a woman and her children killed."
"The past and present marked themselves over my eyes."
"You still do not understand. My revenge is not merely a sword. It is a scale. It is balance."
"I would have all of Blunder believe the same."
"I watched you in the mist, Ravyn Yew. Tasted your blood."
"Better we all dropped our charms and let the Spirit consume us."
"Nothing is free, the trees called after them. Nothing is safe."
"Magic is love, but also it’s hate. It comes at a cost."
"You’re found and you’re lost. Magic is love, but also—"
"The Deck is divided between the Cards hidden in the stone in your chamber and those I have in my pocket."
"What do you mean you don’t have all the Cards?"
"If you do not get up, she’ll never kiss you again."
"There will always be stronger things in this world than Rowan might."
"You shouldn’t sleep so long. Get up. Move your limbs."
"When the Shepherd returns, a new day shall ring. Death to the Rowans. Long live the King."
"You’ve always tried to fight me. You’ve always tried to."
"I’m going to kill you. So by all means, Ione, fight me."
"I’ve never said any of it out loud. I wanted to see what it tasted like, being honest."
"You’ve always had a knack for unpleasantly surprising me, Ione."
"Are you going to use that Scythe on me, betrothed?"
"He had only one script, Dora observed idly, and absolutely no imagination with which to deviate from it."
"She does at least three impossible things before breakfast, the way I hear it told."
"That is quite enough! If you wish to discuss flights of fancy, then please do so somewhere far afield from us."
"For impacting your chances with my cousin, or for acting the boor?"
"That lantern light within Dora glowed a tiny bit brighter at the words."
"I suppose I must come with you, then, if only so you needn’t talk of horses ever again."
"Getting that girl to feel anything at all is an exercise in futility. She may as well be a doll you carry around with you for comfort."
"I hate those fires and so does every other witch I know."