
The Husband's Secret Quotes

The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty

The Husband's Secret Quotes
"She was a school mum and a part-time Tupperware consultant, not an actress or an actuary or a . . . poet living in Vermont."
"She liked to feel focused. She was proud of her ability to focus."
"Nature strips. Shopping strips. She’d never been tested."
"She wasn’t going to open it. It was absolutely clear that she should not open it."
"She heard a voice from the television boom, ‘You get nothing for nothing!’"
"Sometimes love just strikes! It just happens! Out of the blue!"
"What ordinary husband would be prepared to have his wife's fat cousin come along on their annual summer holiday?"
"But women like Tess didn’t seem to have the same need to share the ordinary facts of their lives."
"It's history, Mum. It's what actually happened. Everyone got separated. They didn’t care."
"Of course I’m sure it’s exciting for your son and daughter-in-law. It’s just that after all you’ve been through, losing Janie like – the way you did, and then your husband, I’m so sorry, I can’t actually remember his name, but I know you lost him too – well, this just doesn’t seem fair."
"I always felt prettier when Felicity was around."
"If you don’t like reading about sick people you’re sick yourself!"
"Sometimes grown-ups have big things on their mind."
"It's as if they'd just closed up the space where Janie had been. And merry! Were they out of their silly little minds?"
"The wonderful thing about Marla was that she understood Rachel’s desire to talk endlessly about the sort of adult that Janie might have become."
"How wonderful to be Cecilia Fitzpatrick driving home to her daughters after hosting a successful Tupperware party, worrying over whatever was quite rightfully worrying her."
"I love it. My sister makes fun of me over it."
"I was the sort of child who took the marching very seriously."
"I’ll send an invitation to you at the school!"
"She missed them all: her mother, her father, her husband, her daughter."
"Supposedly the truth was always the best option."
"You'd never know it to look at me, but I'm a murderer's wife."
"We turned your classroom into another planet."
"He deserves a girl with a body that matched his."
"I thought my marriage was good. As good as a marriage can be."
"I've been seeing a therapist for the last year."
"I'm Cecilia Fitzpatrick and my husband is a murderer and look at me, talking and chatting and laughing."
"I mean, a childhood like that has to have an impact on your personality, doesn’t it? Connor’s, I mean."
"When she sat still, she thought, and thinking was dangerous."
"It was a relief to know one thing for sure about her future."
"I keep extra stock of everything. Just in case."
"Life would go on as it always had. He had made a tragic mistake when he was seventeen."
"The hurt spread instantaneously throughout her body."
"Marriages failed. Children survived. Tess had survived."
"I’ve got these biscuits called macarons. Not macaroons, oh, no."
"She couldn’t live with him. So that was that."
"You hurt me. You really hurt me. How could you hurt me like that?" - Tess O'Leary
"Marriage was a form of insanity; love hovering permanently on the edge of aggravation." - Tess O'Leary
"If something like that had happened to Liam then nothing else would have mattered." - Tess O'Leary
"The better you knew someone, the more blurry they became." - Tess O'Leary
"The important thing now was truth. It would not save Polly. It would not redeem them in any way. But it was absolutely necessary." - Cecilia Fitzpatrick
"Some secrets are meant to stay secret forever. Just ask Pandora." - Narrator
"Most of all, to your child." - Rachel Crowley
"He blamed himself... The thought of his suffering gave her some relief." - Cecilia Fitzpatrick
"It was both comforting and horrifying to know that there were procedures in place for this." - Cecilia Fitzpatrick