
Aru Shah And The End Of Time Quotes

Aru Shah And The End Of Time by Roshani Chokshi

Aru Shah And The End Of Time Quotes
"The problem with growing up around highly dangerous things is that after a while you just get used to them."
"Sometimes light illuminates things that are better left in the dark."
"Sometimes, you have to believe and not believe. It's an in-between thing."
"It’s all about what you do with what you have."
"Unlike the other students, she didn’t get driven to school in a sleek black car."
"A cursed lamp is a much more interesting topic than, say, a visit to the dentist."
"Every weekend, while she waited for her mom to come home, she would concoct a story."
"If you’re worried about that, then use this so you don’t have to touch the sprig of youth for too long."
"Sometimes I wonder if it is a curse that we are all under at some point or another."
"Before you go into the Costco, remember that it won’t become the Night Bazaar until you stop looking so hard."
"She was about to make a joke to Mini, but she had turned on her heel and was jogging into the jungle of parked cars and abandoned shopping carts."
"Why does he have to follow us around?" This demon sounded lazy.
"We must follow the ants, because all ants go back to Valmiki."
"The sign sneezed and the grocery carts scattered off in a huff."
"I used to play pranks on the priests, too. So they cursed me."
"Perhaps you will not need any additional weapons to get all three keys," said Boo.
"Do you always travel in pairs whenever you go into the world?" asked Mini.
"If you happen to be carrying a miniature universe, please place it in one of the baskets on the right."
"Good! You felt pain. Relish it, girl child. That’s how you know you’re not dead," said Boo.
"When Aru walked up to her, Mini didn’t turn her head. She just kept tracing the Sanskrit symbol on her left palm."
"The Court of the Seasons was the size of a football field, but she could see an EXIT sign glowing in the distance."
"The Sleeper is going to try and wake up the Lord of Destruction."
"I hope they haven’t changed the algorithm. Again. My likes are plummeting," moaned Spring.
"Not buried," said Mini. "Wouldn’t you be cremated?"
"She liked libraries. She liked going to the audiobooks section and listening."
"A particularly good book had a way of opening new spaces in one’s mind."
"She may not have liked the books she’d had to read for school, but she’d loved the stories her mom had read aloud to her."
"Tales are slippery, her mother had often said. The truth of a story depends on who is telling it."
"She pulled the coin that she’d gotten from Adulthood out of her pocket. It had faded to dull silver."
"Sometimes you don’t even know how special you might be."
"Books around her tittered and gossiped."
"I think you should leave, little pinches," said the palace.
"It’s not real, it’s not real," whispered Aru under her breath.
"We’re—we’re not going anywhere!" called out Mini.
"I’m…I’m so sorry you felt left behind," said Mini carefully.
"Because we need to save the world," said Aru.
"The eldest Pandava liked to read," the palace recalled wistfully.
"How fitting that I am called the Palace of Illusions when all I have left are memories."
"I’ll find an answer. I’ll examine every ancient site, read every treatise," Krithika went on.
"You’re my sister. It’s my familial duty to make sure that you survive," Mini said to Aru.
"Who are you?" asked Mini to the beings in the Kingdom of Death.
"Your worst nightmare," Aru responded with a dramatic tone.
"Rules are rules," said Wish in the Kingdom of Death.
"We’re going to fight him, aren’t we?" Mini said, accepting their fate.
"We know how to find him. He said that all we have to do is summon him with his name, but what about fighting?"
"That wasn’t the kind of music I had in mind," said Mini, clutching Dee Dee tightly.
"Don’t worry, they’ll be fine and won’t remember a thing."
"You will still accept my tutelage knowing who I once was?"
"I’m thinking that we should start working on a battle cry."