
House Of Pounding Hearts Quotes

House Of Pounding Hearts by Olivia Wildenstein

House Of Pounding Hearts Quotes
"The captor became the captive. The gatherer, the gathered."
"No such thing as too soft. Unless we’re discussing penises."
"I’m surprised my incendiary gaze hasn’t transformed the wooden rafters to sawdust."
"Any jumping I do from now on will be thoroughly thought-out."
"You do realize that your man-faced harpy is not evil incarnate."
"I promise not to inflict harm on anyone who doesn’t deserve it."
"As long as you don’t lock me in a stone palace or leave me behind, I will love you forever."
"We’ve yet to set eyes on him, we’re to believe he’s made it back to Isolacuori alive."
"As long as both our hearts beat, we can penetrate each other’s minds."
"You’re right. He had no need to share anything private with me. He still doesn’t."
"We do not have brothels in the Sky Kingdom because we deem the act of coupling sacred."
"You may gain a throne, but you’d also gain an enemy."
"I’m aware. And I will curse-break, but I’ll do so calmly and quietly, without exchanging oaths of eternal love."
"After you kill Dante, you will get your calm and quiet life."
"All you did was scratch at the pretty veneer that’s coated Luce for far too long."
"It’s the last time we will see one another for some time."
"Your words could be construed as antagonistic, and you know where dissenters are sent."
"I dislike how much power that gives Dante over my friends."
"It’s temporary. After enough years of peace, everyone will forget, and life will go back to normal."
"I didn’t think my eyebrows could arch any higher but they now skim my hairline."
"Catriona used the word resistance. What are we resisting?"
"You cannot go around separating heads from bodies, Lore."
"Crows have no need for salt or serpents, so it matters little to me."
"Unlike you, I didn’t actually have the intention to bind myself to someone for personal gain."
"I will not have blood spilled on my terrace. We have a treaty, which I intend to uphold."
"You’ve helped grandly. Now, go back to Antoni’s, and avoid playing games with rules you’re unfamiliar with."
"Stop! Everyone stop! I will not have blood spilled on my terrace."
"I wasn’t going to bleed her, you raging buzzard."
"You’re neither a Crow nor part of the Siorkahd. You have no rights."
"Better keep your distance for we’ve instructions to pierce your heart if you come within breathing distance."
"You’ve threatened the Lucin crown; I merely used a part of Fallon’s anatomy to refer to her."
"I may have been punching above my weight, but I was trying to punch. Shouldn’t that be worth something besides scorn?"
"You're also quite proficient at forgiving men who don't deserve your forgiveness."
"Why do you assume I want you out of my feathers... or my bed?"
"You may think me a monster, and perhaps fighting monsters has turned me into one."
"I prefer to feel the silk of the sheets against my bare skin."
"A body is just flesh... we're all made of skin."
"I’ve energy to spare. Which I suppose is not a terrible thing to have before going into battle to reconquer a lost heart."
"The blade goes in deeper because, of course, Lorcan hasn’t shared that with me."
"I should, um... Start getting ready. You know how long it takes me to do my hair."
"Gods, how I hate that he walks so freely into my mind."
"You have a tub in your bathing chamber, Fallon."
"I don’t give a flying fuck that you stayed away."
"You’re all bathed out, or you’re frightened to soak with me?"
"Forgive me, Fallon"—the thumb pressed to the bottom edge of my rib cage traces the curve of my bone—"but it’s been over five centuries."
"I’m sorry," I croak even though he’s partly to blame.
"Everyone prefers to live down South. In the dead of winter, the air doesn’t turn quite as brisk as it does up here."
"Your mother doesn’t eat animals either, like most Shabbins. It helps that the slaughter of animals is prohibited on Shabbe."
"It’s one of the most beautiful places on our Earth."
"Faeries have to abide by Shabbin law, the same way Shabbins were made to abide by Fae law when they could still venture out into the world."