
The Lighthouse Keeper Quotes

The Lighthouse Keeper by Cynthia Ellingsen

The Lighthouse Keeper Quotes
"You’ll never find the gold unless you dig through the dirt."
"The daymark. It’s there so it can be seen during the daytime, against the shore."
"You’re the first guest I’ve ever had. Tell me how you really feel."
"We could eat here," I said. "Mold stew? Pigeon-feather soufflé?"
"You have no business swooping in here, taking something that belongs to us all."
"I think it’s perfectly clear your great-grandfather was a criminal. Not the type of lineage we want here."
"I can’t believe the girl went from friendly to hostile the moment she figured out my family name."
"I’m going to find what I need to do to help my parents and get out as soon as possible. I’m not here to fight."
"Because you have fire," she said. "Not everyone has that, but I could see it in you. You deserve to live a big life, Dawn."
"The point is to search records, not create new ones."
"Some people get pleasure in a job well done. Others find joy in doing things for others."
"I knew you were not a nice person the moment we met."
"Quit dragging your anchor. It’s time to prove you’re alive!"
"He was alive and in the moment, thrilled to be in the eye of the storm."
"The average man will bristle if you say his father was dishonest, but he will brag a little if he discovers that his great-grandfather was a pirate."
"It’s just the way it is around here. That’s what happened with The Wanderer, you know."
"I tried to understand how it was possible to be attracted to him and want to punch him all at the same time."
"You have fire. I wanted to believe that. I didn’t want to keep running away from things that made me afraid."
"If word gets out, I think you should know that the Weatherlys also have an impressive team of legal representation."
"That’s how it appears," she said. "This conversation upset my mother a great deal. I suggest if Dawn needs a history lesson, she discuss the matter with her parents."
"You know the problem with us, Dawn? We’re two brave girls ready to tackle anything but falling in love."
"If anyone doesn’t like it," Percy said, "she can use the beach bathroom, like we have our whole lives."
"Even though it was sweet she wanted to protect her father, I doubted he still needed someone to take care of him."
"How could Ruth claim to be best friends with Madeline when she was secretly in love with Fitzie?"
"The idea of taking a shower in the basement did not fit in with my vision."
"I didn’t know if I’d sell the lighthouse or stay here, I still liked to imagine it as my home."
"You’re probably frustrated with a lot of the things your mother and I have done. You didn’t have an easy childhood."
"I want you to be prepared, if things don’t go the way you’ve planned."
"Dawn, Sal Reed is not the first person to throw down the gauntlet with me. It’s happened many, many times before."
"It’s hard to believe that a man with this depth of passion would abandon his wife."
"Blood might be thicker than water, Dawn, but you don’t have to live your life like we did."
"There are moments I look out across the waves, and I think I see you there, waiting for me."
"Do you think I have never seen a beauty greater than yours?"
"Your essence, your ether, your passion hovering like mist over the water."
"The treasure had to be his true goal. Not history, not family pride, and not—my heart ached—an interest in me."
"I know, with every pained breath I took, that the love he felt for my great-grandmother was true."
"I thought we had something, too. I would have bet on it."
"He hoped that whoever it was would take one look and walk away."
"What’s up?" "I need a favor. I need to know who made so many copies of that photograph."
"Please don’t tell Uncle Kip," she begged. "He’ll kill me."
"My grandfather survived the wreck of The Wanderer," she said. "He was one of the few who made it."
"It’s the least my family can do for the harm that was caused to yours."
"I can’t spend the rest of my life on summer vacation. What am I supposed to do here?"
"What am I supposed to do here?" I fought to push back the emotion that threatened to unhinge me.
"But I didn’t have a choice. 'Help,' I cried. 'I need your help!'"
"The moment my father came to a stop, I clambered over him and leapt out of the truck."
"That was brave." He brushed his hand over my hair. "Stupid, but brave."
"I wanted to hug him. Instead, I said, 'I’ll go get back in the car.'"
"Please!" My voice broke. "Please call for backup."
"Dawn, you’re a firecracker," she said on speakerphone. "I’ve tried to tell you that for years!"