
Eyes Of The Void Quotes

Eyes Of The Void by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Eyes Of The Void Quotes
"Who’d have thought crazy would turn out to be such valuable cargo?"
"Religion wasn’t a thing she had much time for. Prayers didn’t fix spaceships."
"Everyone knew that if Hugh wants, it can likely outbid me. But we’ve been talking a while now and I don’t think you’re someone who much enjoys wasting her own time."
"You take their money. You’re too good to be with your own? You’re going to shed your kin’s blood for the traitor-angels?"
"This is where you ask, why you. It’s got to be someone."
"The only downside would have been how much worse the work was. So much worse. He couldn’t have done it."
"There was a reason why, out of that first class, only Idris and two others were still around, and it wasn’t just the passage of time."
"Nobody gave you free training, assessed you for aptitudes and told you what you’d be doing for the greater good."
"You felt the Presence looming, chuckling silently in your ear, and knew this is my life, now."
"Even a distress call would take a lifetime to reach anyone."
"What am I looking at? The machine doesn’t work properly in unspace, is that right? So doesn’t that just mean all of this is junk data?"
"These are when you are in unspace. Holes, Menheer."
"This is you interfacing with unspace, your mind ceasing to interact with the real."
"The gaps. Less than yours, far less, but there are moments of un-recording."
"Because if you just conscript people like the Liaison Board does then the Architects won’t listen to them."
"They understand compulsion, because they are compelled."
"That will be their life. They have to know that, and have a free choice."
"The Architect constructs are currently dismantling and removing the site."
"You ever consider that it’s actually true, whether they really want to volunteer or not?"
"The Originators are sacred to the Essiel, and so the cultists go make homes where the Originators have walked."
"Time had worn them down, though, or else the local dust had risen to bury them."
"They weren’t happy about it, though. Some of the children were crying; adults, too."
"They’d already got to work, their substance shifting like thick liquid until they were mobile."
"‘As long as you don’t try to stop them, they should ignore you,’ Ismia announced."
"‘They’re excavating this district,’ Ismia told them all."
"‘But what are they doing?’ one of the other Partheni asked."
"That’s what they do now. When they come to a planet with Originator traces."
"‘Trine’s in another fight,’ Solace nodded grimly."
"The whole city. His escorts were constantly changing direction, exchanging curt words, trying to find a way to wherever the hell they needed to get to."
"He couldn’t possibly imagine staying around in this disintegrating city, on this doomed world, for something as trivial as getting your hands on Idris Telemmier."
"She was hoisted up and over her shoulder, his cheek pressed against the cool, hair-prickly legs of the Tothiat symbiote where it lay along the centre of her back."
"The whole city. I hear every ship die up there."
"The Morzarin did have diplomatic credentials. He had a rank within Hugh. However, he was a civilian."
"This tells us very little," Colvari complained.
"‘We’re staying well clear, right?’ she checked, just in case Olli had any delusions of warrior-maidenhood."
"‘My distinguished comrade, you appear to be trying to get us killed,’ Trine said."
"‘Thus the justice of the Divine Essiel is observed,’ announced the cult translator."
"‘I am severely tempted,’ she told him, ‘to say it’s not all about you, but unfortunately for both of us it is.’"
"‘It’s maybe convenient to pretend it,’ Kris told her quietly."
"‘You won’t even shout,’ she said complacently."
"There’s no do in you. You talk a good fight, Telemmier. But what did you ever do?"
"You say it, but there’s no do in you. You talk a good fight, Telemmier. But what did you ever do?"
"‘Yeah, but what did you do recently?’ And she grinned."
"‘How is it for the prawn?’ ‘I am the prawn,’ she told him."
"You talk a good fight, Telemmier. But what did you ever do?"
"We’re not all invulnerable prawn-bearers."
"It wasn’t real anymore, and neither was she."
"For a second she thought the lid wouldn’t open, but then it already was, no visible transition."
"I’m already unreal. Nothing here is real. It’s all in my head."
"Hopeless, Solace knew, but the ship rammed sideways, then forwards again."
"Not them, us. Olli’s using everything the engine can give to shift us."
"You’re not here to die, Menheer. Consider yourself recruited."
"This world was probably more hospitable once, but life fell down the gradient of the star’s increasing truculence."
"Who wouldn’t want a piece of eye candy like you on their arm."
"They can dress me up and sit me down but they cannot make me actually help them in any way."
"I tried the gangster thing. It was all right. But after a while you get tired of not dying."
"We’re going to have some harsh words about who precisely he walks away with."
"I guess we’re all of us pointed in the right direction."
"Believe it or not, working for the Intervention Board and saving the capital of the Colonies aren’t entirely contradictory."
"You’re searching unspace for where the Architects come from."
"Let's see what his situation is when we get over there."
"You have no idea what it's like. We're so close. We're right there, on the very brink!"
"It's Ahab. It's how Ahab sees the universe, you see."
"We must find the truth! There is no time! None must be allowed to prevent us!"
"There is a vast information cluster down there, a configuration of energy, and it is doing something."
"The fields I've studied were not fields, for one. Not even level."
"Every thought, and Int thoughts most of all, resounded through all those non-existent spaces."
"The way it sat on the impossible boundary between unspace and the real, and what all of its vast power might be able to achieve."
"You forget that, whoever has your friend down there, they have a Tothiat too."
"Everything is still shaking, and it isn’t just my imagination."
"We might not be able to kill you, but we can beat you down to the point you can’t stop us."
"Sometimes it’s all about the precise spatial relationship."
"I thought we’d find the thing that enslaved the Architects."
"We need to stop them, Idris. Billions of lives are at stake."
"I’m out of the habit of having slices of time I don’t remember."
"Frankly, the distinction is of supreme indifference to me right now."
"Following recent developments, we are now in possession of a means to strike against the Architects for the first time."
"You should stop that, it obviously fails to agree with you."
"First order of business: I feel some manner of confiscation is in order."
"The majority shareholder in this alliance is the Hiver Assembly in Aggregate."
"I have been summoned both for my inarguable expertise and my new diplomatic authority."
"We are having something of a war, you may have heard."
"They’ll need Partheni pilots. For the ships they’re building."
"I was expecting Solace and the crew, but instead I got a roomful of Partheni and one ebullient Hiver."
"We happen to know that certain elements in Hugh have begun constructing a prototype ark fleet."
"I am speaking to you as the human element in a new alliance."
"We’re still waiting to see what Hugh and our high command will say in response."
"They need us to go there, too. To their new base."