
Need Quotes

Need by Carrie Jones

Need Quotes
"There’s no easy off button for your brain. It would be really, really nice if there were."
"People say my dad’s heart attacked him, but the truth is his heart failed him."
"It’s hard to save the world when you can’t save yourself."
"Why is it that naming the fear doesn’t make it any better?"
"Just because they go without doesn’t mean you have to go without too."
"Always trying to save the world. Always worried that you have too much when other people have too little."
"It's nice to have someone different. Someone not like them, you know?"
"Don't be mean, Megan. It's so much cooler to be nice."
"I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him."
"There's nothing better than the way your legs feel when you stretch out to sprinting speed and you know that your lungs and heart can sustain it."
"Life is all supposed to be about making love, not war."
"I miss you, then you shouldn't have sent me away."
"There are people who like cute, furry things and people who eat cute, furry things."
"People are always looking into the dark, Zara. We’re afraid of what we might see. It might be the dark outside, it might be the dark of our own souls, but I figure it’s better to get caught looking than to never know."
"When my dad died, his mouth moved and no sound ever came out."
"Fear makes us stronger, puts us on our toes. We’ve got to embrace it."
"I promised myself a long time ago that I would never hurt anyone for any reason..."
"It's like every part of me needs those eyes to look into my eyes a certain way, but I'm afraid of that."
"Of all the Shining Ones—pixies, elves, fairies—it is true that the preservation of the princely bloodline is integral to their survival."
"Sometimes there are things that people should be afraid of."
"Every breath is a decision I have to make, a decision to live, to go on."
"If you can name something, it’s not so scary."
"We all need a little bit of rescuing from time to time. It doesn’t make us weak."
"Your dad doesn’t want any of us to stop living."
"The truth slams into me: I didn’t imagine that man at the airport."
"But I don’t ask any of those. I ask the silliest question of all, the shallow question. It just comes off my tongue."
"Something sinks inside me. What is it? Oh, I know, any dignity I could possibly have left."
"This has to be what people mean when they say they 'melted.' I feel all wiggly."
"Dread makes its home in my sternum. Just kind of nestles there."
"How can we survive knowing that we do these things? How can we not help?"
"Fear grips my stomach, only this time it isn’t just fear for Nick. It’s fear for me, too."
"Hope is a crazy thing. It will make you believe."
"I am not afraid of thinking. Thinking calms me down."
"I am not going to die a wimp while waiting for the killer to get me."
"I saved him—with Grandma Betty’s help, of course. But I saved him. Me."
"Everything inside me just crashes, all my internal organs fall, but it’s not the hollowed-out pain that I’m used to these last few months."
"I am so angry at myself, angry at the voice, angry at Nick."
"My grandmother is not human. Nick is not human. There are humans who are not human."
"So, I’m a werewolf and your grandmother’s a weretiger. You all set with that?"
"It’s just weird, okay. It’s weird finding out someone’s a werewolf."
"You’re a werewolf with a hero complex. That’s so funny."
"My dad wrote that in the library book: ‘Don’t fear. Here there be tygers, 157.’"
"I’m trying hard not to change, Zara. But when people are in danger, I change."
"Pixies, not so much. They aren’t human at all; that’s what Betty told me."
"The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage."
"You are so sweet, Zara, and so innocent and likable. But no one can ever save someone else, you know? We can only save ourselves."
"I'm tough enough to take down an entire army of those damn kings."
"But you're in charge now. I think things'll get better."
"Humans see what they believe is there, not what actually is."
"You should have seen your father when he found out about your mother."