
Silver Shadows Quotes

Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead

Silver Shadows Quotes
"A thousand frantic thoughts dashed through my mind in the space of a single heartbeat."
"Naturally, that was his only apology for scaring me to death."
"Remembering his other warning, I also made sure I moved silently."
"Re-education centers. They were the stuff of nightmares for young Alchemists like me."
"I was pretty sure 're-education' was a nice way of saying 'brainwashing.'"
"Terrible arguments had gone down between my parents."
"A small gold cross—the one I always wore around my neck—was the only ornamentation I ever bothered with."
"I tried not to think about the other part, about where that magic came from."
"I need to get home and take care of some business. And since you’re my ride, Sydney..."
"I was in a little trouble at first, but it’s past."
"I couldn’t stand the thought of looking weak in front of her."
"It’s been crazy, you know. Ever since Lissa took the throne?"
"Crazy people who want to hurt my friends? That is my thing."
"I hope so. Because if she’s not, your little group here doesn’t stand a chance against those crazy rebels."
"Surely if I told myself that often enough, it would become true."
"What makes you think you’re going to take it this year?"
"How did they expect me to adequately do my job if they insisted on making this a tangle of secrets?"
"After all, I certainly didn’t trust them either."
"How could anyone offer their blood up willingly like that?"
"I can’t believe you think we’re the strange ones."
"It’s not fair that she be banned from hanging out with any guys."
"Everything’s black and white with you Alchemists, isn’t it?"
"I don’t really care if they’re miserable or not."
"I mean, when was the last time you were even on a date?"
"It’s the weekend. It’s not that big of a deal. Especially if you’re careful."
"You’re okay for an irreverent party boy with occasional moments of brilliance."
"I didn’t know this was where you spent your free time after school."
"I thought it might make getting through this book easier."
"We parted ways. I was getting to know some of the other Moroi in the area."
"I rubbed my eyes as I sat up and then waited a few moments, just in case this was all a dream. Nope. Nothing changed."
"Left to their own devices, Moroi went to bed around what was late morning for the rest of us."
"I started to lie back down. 'I don’t have a lot of sympathy for that. Maybe he’ll learn a lesson.'"
"You can’t tell," she said, finally meeting my eyes again."
"No, not anyone. Not the Alchemists. Not Keith. Not any other Moroi or dhampirs who don’t already know."
"Among all the other craziness in my life, no matter how much my assignments infuriated me or how much time I’d spent with vampires, I’d never questioned who my loyalty was to."
"I felt my eyes widen in disbelief. 'How did that—' Everything suddenly clicked together, the missing pieces."
"His emotions are up and down, all over the place. What happened between him and Rose . . . it tears him apart."
"I think about her all the time. How could I not? She’s there . . . I can’t feel it, but she’s always there, always listening to things in my head, listening to things I don’t even want to hear."
"He’s a nice enough guy, but I’m going to go crazy if I stay there."
"You need to go to school and be with people."
"You aren’t supposed to be out socializing with them and having a good time!"
"You’re an exceptional, talented, and brilliant young woman."
"I was raised to believe that’s necessary sometimes but that everyone still needs to try to take care of themselves."
"You’re right. I haven’t been pulling my share."
"Of course they didn’t give us this much, Sage. But I had to make sure I nailed my first assignment. Takes a lot of tries before you hit perfection."
"You know exactly what I’m talking about! She told me. She came to me afterward."
"I’m talking about Carly. What do you think my dad would do if he found out? What would yours do?"
"You can stop the act. I know you don’t really care about me ‘getting too close’ to them."
"I can’t be like this anymore. I can’t be mortal anymore. Too much time has already passed."
"This one’s good. Very good. Makes up for the other."
"You’re a terrible liar, Sage, but I’m still touched you’d attempt it for my sake. A for effort."
"You apparently had enough time to pay the auditing fee, though. And enough money. But not enough to fund new lodging."