
The Girl In The Spider's Web Quotes

The Girl In The Spider's Web by David Lagercrantz

The Girl In The Spider's Web Quotes
"That he of all self-centred idiots should become a full-time father, how crazy an idea was that?"
"It was his own decision. He was proposing to defy a long-standing custody ruling and, without warning, walk into his ex-wife’s place and bring home his boy, August."
"But all she said was: 'Are you sure about this? Will you manage?'"
"His body seemed to cry out 'Don’t disturb me!'"
"August was autistic. He was most likely also mentally disabled, even though they had not received unequivocal advice on that point."
"The strangest thing of all was nobody had asked him to do it."
"Millennium had been his passion and his life, and many of his life’s best, most dramatic events had occurred in connection with the magazine."
"But then, one Saturday in November, something happened."
"Even male chauvinist pigs are entitled to some degree of security."
"She was content because she had been able to get some new information on the criminal group she was mapping out."
"It's the kind of thing that gets top lawyers seeing dollar signs everywhere."
"With a gang of sharp lawyers you can safely steal whatever you want."
"If you can afford a strong defence you can get away with whatever you want these days."
"He had memorized twelve thousand books and could give a lightning-quick answer to almost any factual question."
"All research shows that speech development actually enhances savant abilities."
"The mere sight of his fingers dancing across the keyboard was a joy to behold."
"But maybe ... I don't know ... no, it's too soon to be speculating," he said.
"O.K., in that case there’s at least one reassuring thing I can tell you."
"His walk. The man walks like a junkie – like a guy who’s just taken a load of speed."
"Balder froze. The sound of a car engine could be heard from his garage drive."
"He could really do without another sleepless night."
"Not much of it felt right, not even his relationship to Berger."
"Every time Berger said, 'I love my husband more when I can also be with you,' Blomkvist had thanked his lucky stars for the arrangement."
"One party might advance their self-interest under the guise of a common decision."
"He had loved her for many years, and there was every reason to think that she felt the same way about him."
"Then we get a machine that can do all the clever things which we ourselves can do, plus a little bit more."
"Apart from ex-girlfriends who call when they’re drunk and want to have sex, you generally only get bad news at night."
"But I’m not going anywhere tonight – your policemen seem professional, professional enough at any rate."
"If you want my colleagues to have an apoplectic fit, then definitely talk to him."
"He knew it was irrational; nothing could be that urgent."
"My name is Mikael Blomkvist. You’ve been looking for me."
"What matters is not that we believe in God; God is not small-minded. What matters is for us to understand that life is serious and rich."
"The work of art is in the eye of the beholder."
"If joy could express itself with the same force as pain."
"We risk being confronted by an explosion of intelligence, a technological singularity."
"The very instant we create a super-intelligence we lose control."
"Empathy-deficit disorder. Excessive violence. Something along those lines."
"The pace of growth goes on increasing and in the end it escapes our control."
"The interesting thing isn’t actually when we reach A.G.I., but what happens after that."
"We’re not an extension of the police force. That’s how it is, and we’re proud of it. For as long as the children are here, they should feel confident that we put their interests first."
"You and I can talk or write, or even go out and get a lawyer. August doesn’t have those means of communication. But he can draw, and he seems to want to tell us something. Shouldn’t we let him give form to something which must be tormenting him?"
"It’s always the wrong people who have the guilty conscience. Those who are really responsible for suffering in the world couldn’t care less."
"We’re like people cheating in an exam, waiting for someone to whisper the answer instead of thinking for ourselves."
"I’m going to have to invoke my right to protect my sources."
"I reckon she was a good person. I wouldn’t have wanted her to be my babysitter, if you see what I mean. But she was O.K."
"I’m not so sure about that. But thanks anyway."
"We can’t let them down. Salander has been shot. The situation is desperate."
"I like them too. And there's one thing I'm particularly interested in just now. It's called factorization."
"The world in which paranoia is a requirement."
"You can't push around, either literally or figuratively."
"You can fly through cyberspace, just like the Wasp."
"You live an entire life for the sake of a walk like this."
"I think you really might be. My name’s Linda."
"It wasn’t easy, but I still love my sister; she’s just sick and now she’s getting treatment."
"Our whole family lit up, as if something glamorous had come into our lives and made everything bigger and more beautiful."
"Afterwards he had a vague image of himself crawling along the riverbed surrounded by flopping, thrashing salmon."
"The fact that Russia is little more than a petrol station with a flag on top."
"We seem to be capable of pretty much anything."
"If you or Roger ever come back here or contact August in any way, I’ll make you suffer."
"I wouldn’t have survived either if I was full of shit."