
Dark Corners Quotes

Dark Corners by Megan Goldin

Dark Corners Quotes
"Have you ever had a day when absolutely everything goes haywire and nothing goes as planned? I have. More times than I care to remember."
"It’s unlikely they’d have met if my kitchen pipe hadn’t blown. Was it fate, or destiny? Your guess is as good as mine."
"Curiosity and procrastination are my kryptonite."
"Without phones or gaming consoles. Without every waking moment being documented on social media. Three days of uninterrupted family time."
"The campsite filled with the clang of tent pegs being hammered into the ground to a chorus of young kids hollering while playing tag, and teenagers whining about poor cell phone reception."
"The nostalgic mood was ruined when a powerful gust violently slammed the camper van door shut with an explosive crack that ricocheted across the campground."
"I don’t sign NDAs. Not without my attorney present."
"His time costs money. So does the gas he’s wasted from idling the engine."
"My people have been going through all Maddison’s social media posts. Locations. People. Likes. Comments. Everything."
"Being an influencer is the twenty-first-century American dream."
"It felt strange, like shoes that hadn’t been worn for a long time."
"Most were flattering. A few accused her of ghoulishly fueling a national obsession with true crime to build her brand as a podcaster."
"The moment that Martinez met Rachel at the entrance to the prison, he’d seen that she was so much more than the sum of the media articles about her."
"The prison operations room was a long room with monitors of various sizes lining an entire wall."
"Martinez wanted to observe Bailey’s tics when he met Rachel, and analyze the body language clues that he’d spent his whole career mastering."
"It was what would happen after Bailey got out that worried Martinez."
"The low-security prisoners, of which Bailey was one by virtue of the fact that he was about to be released, met their visitors in a converted holding cell."
"It was the smell of incarceration. The choking stench of prison."
"Rachel noticed it immediately as she stepped into the building."
"The guard led Rachel to a visiting area near the ground-floor entrance."
"Rachel squared her shoulders, bracing herself for the meeting."
"Rachel swallowed her discomfort and stared at him for an unnerving moment."
"This is a low-security wing, so it’s up to you, ma’am."
"Well, that’s a backhanded compliment if I ever heard one."
"It was around that time that I felt this need to tell someone. To get it off my chest."
"I won’t believe I’m free until I’m standing outside the prison gates."
"Never had visitors excepting for my cheating lawyer. And he charged by the hour."
"The scariest monster is the one that hides in plain sight."
"She was slim and of medium height, a fit and healthy young woman with a lifetime of living ahead of her until she’d been stabbed to death in a violent frenzy."
"Her family left in a permanent limbo of grief, never knowing. Never having a grave to visit. Never being able to say goodbye."
"The parking lot was empty. There were no family members waiting restlessly in line for a prison visit."
"What’s going on?" Rachel asked, scooping up her phone and purse.
"To hell with him," Rachel thought to herself.
"I could meet Bailey again first thing in the morning. This time I’ll tell him the truth about Maddison disappearing."
"It helped clear her mind and always left her feeling as if she’d at least achieved one worthwhile accomplishment for the day."
"You’re the runner, the woman said, as if it hadn’t been obvious from the running shorts and top that Rachel wore."
"Our sponsors ask that when you post about the products in the bag, you don’t mention that it’s an ad."
"I’ll see what I can do," Thomas answered carefully.
"I can’t say yet which one. This cannot come out. It will destroy my brand and kill the deal."
"You want eggs. You need to keep feeding the chicken. With content."
"Burnout is high in the world of influencers."
"It’s rare for a man to kill so many people at such a young age."
"If scruffy was the new black, then profanity apparently was the new humor."
"She’s desperate to get chosen for the Influencer Awards. She thinks that if she doesn’t win, then her career as an influencer will wither and die."
"The world could be burning down and all they’d care about would be whether they should airbrush their selfie."
"I’ve seen travel bloggers and #vanlife influencers come and go. They think it’s an awesome idea, traveling while making money."
"Every aspect of their life becomes a commodity. Every sunset. Every meal. Everything they buy is about how their audience will react."
"They become a slave to their social media presence. Living the influencer dream can turn into a nightmare."
"It’s make-believe, Rachel. The whole influencer thing."
"I haven’t been here since Hailey went missing."
"I wouldn’t know," said the woman, puffing nervously on her cigarette.
"There’s no closure when your daughter is still missing. No grave. No way to say goodbye."
"There’s no way that you could know the identity of the body."
"I thought you’d realized by now that I’m here for the long haul, Joe."
"I’d feel a lot more at ease if you’d head home first thing tomorrow morning."
"Why do you care enough to put yourself on the line, Rachel?"
"I’ve had some success finding out things that your people haven’t figured out."
"There’ll be a hashtag and memorial tributes in minutes."
"It’s even better during the daytime. You can see the different colors of the ocean. It’s breathtaking."
"I’ve handled missing persons cases that have turned into homicides so gruesome that it might have been kinder if the families never knew."
"Your wife must hate you being away so often."
"After this case is over, I’d very much like to get to know you, Rachel. In and out of bed."
"I’m a firm believer in living for the moment."
"I can honestly say that I have never killed anyone in my life."
"We’re so desensitized to evil, so obsessed with finding out what makes the likes of Thomas McCoy tick, that we forget about the victims."
"It’s lonely these days with my son at law school."
"The detective handling the case did what you suggested."
"If Zoe hires a good enough lawyer, she might even get off with a rap on the knuckles."
"Her life was worth so much more than a bunch of stupid photos."