
Nothing To See Here Quotes

Nothing To See Here by Kevin Wilson

Nothing To See Here Quotes
"You can imagine how Madison’s letters were a hundred times more interesting than mine, but we stayed in touch."
"It was the hard thing about having two jobs: you had to disappoint them at different times and sometimes you lost track of who you’d fucked over worse."
"I thought about Madison, maybe the most beautiful woman I’d ever met in real life, who was also so weirdly smart, always considering the odds of every scenario."
"I made other students cry at the spelling bee. I plagiarized scientific studies and dumbed them down just enough to win county science fairs."
"I wasn’t destined for greatness; I knew this. But I was figuring out how to steal it from someone stupid enough to relax their grip on it."
"I made people in my town, whether they were poor or middle class, especially upper middle class, feel good, like I was something they could agree on, a sterling representative of this little backwoods county."
"It’s like they’ve never followed up on a single stupid-ass thing they’ve ever done so they could just fix it."
"I’m happy you two could join Madison and myself on this night."
"I believe that if you and Lillian marched into that woman’s office tomorrow morning and told her that the drugs were actually Lillian’s, the punishment would be quite lenient."
"It’s tragic, she never really recovered from the divorce. She had always been so brittle, so strange."
"It was like being important was a Herculean task. If any aspect of his appearance had been off by even a few degrees, he would have seemed evil."
"I’d been sleeping on a feather bed and drinking chamomile tea. I wasn’t up for snatching some feral kids."
"We just go with you?" she asked, and I nodded, exhausted.
"We keep getting your clothes messed up," Roland said.
"I think, hm, I think we do exercises first. You don’t want to exercise on a full stomach."
"Sometimes I think we should have just taken those pills."
"If there were a button that would end the world, I would have smashed it so hard at that moment."
"You’ve got the ball, right? It’s your ball. And you bounce it and it comes right back to you."
"Sometimes basketball was the only thing I was honest about or felt like I knew inherently."
"I hadn’t even gotten an oh wow when I gave in and did weird stuff in bed for guys I didn’t care about."
"I think they appreciated this about me, that I wouldn’t cry. I had battle scars, and their skin could not be marked, not even by fire."
"I’d bite him so hard that he’d cry, and he’d beg me to stop."
"I could keep them happy. And all I had, right at this moment, was basketball."
"Sometimes I made myself believe that I wanted nothing, not even food or air."
"I wanted Madison to be a little more like me and a little less like the kind of person you had to be to live with this sort of wealth."
"Being rich, of course, meant it was easier to just keep getting what you wanted."
"She was so beautiful, and I remembered those nights in our dorm when she looked at me and accepted my weirdness."
"I was a grown woman, crying, surrounded by fire children who were not mine."
"You took care of people by not letting them know how badly you wanted your life to be different."
"How did people protect themselves? How did anyone keep this world from ruining them?"
"This is the thing about you sometimes, Lillian, you act like you're above it all, and you act like the whole world owes you something because you had it rough."
"It was so easy to be in love with you back then. And I liked it, because as long as I was in love with you, I didn’t have to love anyone else."
"But you haven’t given him a chance. You just saw that he was rich, and that makes you feel weird, and so you think he’s a bad guy."