
The Witches Of Eastwick Quotes

The Witches Of Eastwick by John Updike

The Witches Of Eastwick Quotes
"If you could bring yourself to create on a bigger scale, I bet we could get you a show."
"I practiced till my fingers bled. All those terrible sixteenth-notes in the second andante."
"The beauty of it is, you can grow the raw materials, and when you run out of land you can grow 'em in the ocean."
"What intonation. What vibrato and stretch. Really. You think I'm an obnoxious madman but I do know music."
"Listen. Whyncha come over some time to my place and we'll fool around with a bit of old Ludwig's piano and cello stuff?"
"You're not giving you a chance, with this old-giftie-shoppie mentality."
"No writer working today can invoke process or memory—the precision of the one, the bitter pleasure of the other—with more satisfaction to the reader than John Updike."
"A paint, you brush on with a brush and that turns the entire epidermis of your lovely home into an enormous low-voltaic cell."
"Synthetic polymers—that's the name of your brave new world, honeybunch, and it's just getting rolling."
"The night was moonless. The crickets stridulated their everlasting monotonous meaningful note."
"The air smelled faintly of apples making cider by themselves, in their own skins where these apples fell uncollected and rotting."
"For time flowed everywhere, not just in the rivulet of the delta in which we have been drifting."
"In her dreams omens cavorted around her as gaudily as papier-mache advertisements beckoning innocents this way and that at an amusement park."
"Yet we never look forward to dreams, any more than to the fabled adventures that follow death."
"Because it isn’t true that if you have daughters you will never die."
"Like snowballs rolling downhill we accumulate grit."
"Fate had passed her from a maker of chrome fixtures to their installer."
"Her spirit needs folly as the body needs food; she felt healthier for this."
"The world men had systematically made was all dreary poison, good for nothing really but battlefields and waste sites."
"The conflict was open and implacable and science was winning."
"Everything about them was more direct, their insides weren’t the maze women’s were, for the pee to find its way through."
"Language, he was thinking, perhaps is the curse, that took us out of Eden."
"Other women’s sexual styles are something you are left mostly to guess at and perhaps wisely, for it can be too fascinating."
"To embolden Jane, Alexandra rose and followed Van Home at once; but perhaps Jane needed no emboldening after her private musical sessions in this house."
"It’s not just that; I’m attracted," Sukie confessed, suddenly close to tears, this whole matter of attraction so senseless, and silly."
"The old second law’s got you every time. You know what Cooper pairs are? No? You’re kidding."
"These frightful fluctuations a woman must endure on the stock exchange of male minds, up and down from minute to minute, as their ids and superegos haggle."
"His drink was in his left hand; he lifted the poker in his right and slashed it down across her head, just to interrupt the flow of energy for a moment, to plug the hole through which too much was pouring."
"Marriage is like two people locked up with one lesson to read, over and over, until the words become madness."
"He tossed down the last of his drink. It scraped his guts."
"As a conscientious, neatness-loving child Clyde had relished architectural drawings."
"A lifelong fog was lifting; it was all as clear as rectified type, the meaning that the stars had been singing out to him."
"I like Schubert. He isn't always after you like Beethoven is."
"It's hard to be right with men, actually. They're very angry with us because we can have babies and they can't."
"No two homes had quite the same style or smell."
"The music did talk, in its syntax of variation and reprise, reprise and variation."
"Let’s not be unkind. Let’s think serene-making thoughts."
"The walls stank for weeks but the cat stayed disgustingly healthy."
"It gives me a lot of pleasure. It’s artistry."
"Nature kills constantly, and we call her beautiful."
"I give good enough head, but when the man is on top and in me something resentful takes over."
"Once you’ve established in your own mind that you’re innocent, you can get away with anything."
"You must imagine your life. And then it happens."
"It really is true, isn’t it? You pay for every sin."
"The whole episode left her feeling tumbled and cleansed, like a towel from the dryer."
"He loved me, but I couldn’t let him leave Gina for me."