
The Hating Game Quotes

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

The Hating Game Quotes
"Hating someone feels disturbingly similar to being in love with them."
"Love and hate are visceral. Your stomach twists at the thought of that person."
"Both love and hate are mirror versions of the same game—and you have to win."
"Books were, and always would be, something a little magic and something to respect."
"I’ve had a lot of time to compare love and hate, and these are my observations."
"Every interaction spikes your blood with a dangerous kind of adrenaline, and you’re on the brink of fight or flight."
"Your body is barely under your control. You’re consumed, and it scares you."
"The heart in your chest beats heavy and bright, nearly visible through your flesh and clothes."
"I prefer to sit down with people and discuss things face-to-face."
"I’m the type of worker who completes the nasty, too-hard tasks everyone else avoids."
"It’s the sharp pause that a fox makes as it mooches past the unlatched gate of a henhouse."
"I hope my weird brain doesn’t file away her last filthy-sounding sentence."
"It’s a corporate truth universally acknowledged that workers would rather eat rat skeletons than participate in group activities."
"I’m tired of it. We haven’t done anything as a team since the merger-planning day."
"What have you done?" I say to his back as he walks into Mr. Bexley’s office.
"You’re the only person here who’d be patient enough with her. She’s a little bit opinionated."
"We are working out our differences." I have no trace of lie in my voice.
"I’ve never thought where you come from is inferior."
"I love strawberries. So much, you have no idea."
"I’m so scared. It’s all going to end soon, one way or another."
"Your protective big-brother thing is something we need to talk about."
"Just say it. You look like you’re about to explode."
"The Or Something Game doesn’t resume until you tell me that no one kisses you like I do."
"It’s perverted to be turned on by a childhood story about two brothers, isn’t it?"
"If you’re asking me if I regret my choice? No. How can I regret it for a second? I have your father, and I have you."
"You’ve spent too much time in the company of that horrible Joshua."
"Apparently so. Also, I can’t do the internship for your niece, it’s not convenient for me."
"You don’t have any family here, or a boyfriend, do you? Late nights don’t affect you like they do for people with husbands and … well, people with families."
"Well, I’m not going to get myself a husband or a life if I keep staying until nine o’clock at night, now am I? I’ll expect the report from Alan at five."
"My evil brain is thinking about grabbing some dinner soon."
"You’re always right about why I needed moral support. No big conspiracy. It’s medicine. Me quitting, failing, disappointing."
"I finally have you coming over to sit on my couch and you think I’m going to tell you about how I was such a terrible boyfriend she ended up with my brother?"
"The thing that gets me is, when I switched to doing an MBA at night while working at Bexley, he was unimpressed."
"I stopped making any kind of effort to engage with him, and it was like the biggest source of stress in my life was removed."
"I may as well be the best at something, even if it is being an asshole. I’ll never be nice."
"I watched you try your heart out for people who were using your kindness."
"You’ve got no right to lecture me. I knew this was a disaster the second I got into your car."
"If I knew, maybe I could change it. He’s just been that way with me, and most people."
"Nothing I did rated a mention. Dad wouldn’t pay a cent toward my tuition, but Mom did."
"You are …" I shake my head. I have to close my eyes, to remember how to speak English. He’s too much. I can’t have possibly captured this big golden creature inside a glass hotel shower, and he’s looking at me with those eyes I love so much.
"I’ve been ready for this for a lot longer than you have," he says.
"It’s something I’ve always had difficulty with in past relationships: turning off my brain. But here, it’s only us."
"He makes words like intimacy seem inadequate."
"You just think they do." He zips his bag and stands at the window, looking out at the water.
"For fuck’s sake. If you knew anything about it, you’d know it’s almost impossible to complete an executive MBA while working full-time."
"I’m the person who knows your own offspring better than you do."
"His boss, who’s the co-CEO in title only, is a fat, sleazy toad so out of his mind on prescriptions he can barely tie a shoelace."
"You’ve got Josh. He’s an awkward, difficult asshole. I hate him almost half the time and he drives me mental, and it’s clearly hereditary."
"He could be anything he fucking wanted to. Nothing is by mistake. Nothing is because he’s not good enough. It’s his choice."