
The One Quotes

The One by John Marrs

The One Quotes
"The difference between a size fourteen and a size sixteen can sometimes be just one mouthful."
"I’m not sure how else to react other than to joke about it."
"You don’t have to stand outside the restaurant window and be deliberately late to put me on edge."
"I was held up at work on a new magazine I’ve been working on."
"You won’t bite, honest. Sometimes we all need to take a punt."
"You are the one I’m destined to be with, no matter what these emails tell us."
"I don’t care what these results say. I could be Matched with Jennifer Lawrence as far as I’m concerned and it wouldn’t make the blindest bit of difference."
"But it’s a career for life if I want it to be."
"That there’s only one person in the world who’s like really, completely, linked to you through your DNA and who you’re supposed to fall head over heels in love with … But then you walked into the pub and I thought my stomach had just fallen out of my arse."
"I reckon I did feel something and sorry if that makes you feel awkward or if you’re not thinking the same, but I’m really glad you agreed to meet me."
"Whether it was the four gin and tonics or the unlikely but endearing Match sitting in front of her, instinct told her that the landscape in her world had suddenly tilted."
"I’ve spent the last few weeks mourning a man I’ve never met and I wanted to find out more about him."
"I think I get it. So what do you want to know about Rich?"
"You told me the night we first met in the bar that you knew there and then that we’d end up getting married."
"The longer she spent in his company, the more she would feel herself thaw."
"We think he leaves the photographs either to taunt us, or to show he has no plans to stop."
"I’ve thought it through a thousand times since and I still can’t explain it properly."
"Being here to see any sunrise was a major accomplishment. It means I’ve lived for one more day."
"Maybe when you took it back to basics, that’s what love really was: just being there for someone when the sun rises and sets."
"She couldn’t help but imagine how her life would change when he wasn’t around any more and she felt herself becoming sullen."
"I was wondering what went through their heads when they knew they were about to die."
"I’ve been getting to know his family over the last few months and his mum asked me if I’d consider having his child using his sperm."
"I need to stay away from anything or anyone that causes you stress."
"You don’t know how any of that feels because you have never experienced it."
"But those things aside, there was little about Amy he’d change."
"I don’t want to get it wrong. Because once the news got out, I’d be changing the way people thought about their relationships for ever."
"I feel like I know you even though I thought you were dead."
"I’m sorry, it wasn’t supposed to be like this … I was supposed to meet you and we were going to fall in love like they do in the films."
"Everything that did not involve Amy was burdensome."
"Amy made his skin feel tender to the touch even when she wasn’t touching him."
"I didn’t start it. You were the one who kept scratching and scratching until you created a sore and now I’ve picked at the scab and this has happened."
"We all have our dirty little secrets, don’t we?"
"You barely talk to me for days, you walk past me and ignore me, you leave the room as soon as I enter."
"But deep down she knew they disguised an underlying feeling of pity for the young widow-to-be."
"I’m sure being his Match must give you some rights."
"We’ve spent God knows how many hours looking through old photographs of you and watching your childhood videos."
"Unless they had a dog on a lead or a specific destination to reach, he didn’t see the point of just going for a walk."
"He used to fantasise about that kind of thing frequently as he travelled on the London Underground escalators."
"I know you’re a posh city boy at heart, but this isn’t too bad is it?"
"Christopher knew precisely what she meant, although when she’d suggested taking their first weekend away together in her parents’ static holiday home by the coast, he felt something akin to anxiety."
"Christopher had contemplated finishing prematurely after Number Twenty-Six."
"He was pragmatic in his approach and had worked through each viable way he could play a part in his child’s life and still remain with Alex."
"‘You can make this happen or you can make this stop,’ Sally had been at pains to point out."
"As she packed her suitcase and prepared herself for her forthcoming solo journey around Australia, the need to be with him was the strongest it had ever been."
"It’s like whatever you are not telling me doesn’t really matter."
"The thought of being unable to see his soul mate for an indefinite period of time made Nick’s body ache."
"Anyone in the world can watch right now and it’s all coming from your computer’s webcam."
"In approximately five minutes, the world would watch as Matthew explained how he’d compromised her database."
"She was forced to listen again to the dull thwack of the decanter as it hit Matthew’s head."
"If I made you a better person why did you need to keep killing?"
"The only small mercy I can get from this awful, awful nightmare is that it’s not me who triggered this side of you."
"Don’t kid yourself Chris, they are truly dead."
"We are supposed to be living and working in an age of equality."
"I don’t care about people. I only care about you."
"I’ll always be the policewoman whose boyfriend was one of the country’s worst serial killers."
"I don’t have anything to say to that woman, I just want my baby back."
"We had no choice. You weren’t going to let us see him."
"Sometimes the grass isn’t greener on the other side and we should stay in the field where we belong."
"Press the button and let the world start making its own mistakes again."