
Dead Until Dark Quotes

Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris

Dead Until Dark Quotes
"I'd been waiting for the vampire for years when he walked into the bar."
"Ever since vampires came out of the coffin... I'd hoped one would come to Bon Temps."
"I knew immediately what he was. It amazed me when no one else turned around to stare."
"I could have danced with joy, and in fact I did do a little step right there by the bar."
"What can I get you?" I asked, happy almost beyond words."
"He seemed lost in thought, and I had a chance to give him a good once-over before he looked up."
"I got really busy-everyone came to Merlotte's on Saturday night for some portion of the evening."
"I sighed and turned to take the empty pitcher from the Rats' table."
"I slid down the bar to Jason, where he was sweeping DeeAnne off her feet."
"No, thanks," I said, trying to sound reassuring."
"I thought a second. The only halfway private spot to which the Rattrays could have lured the vampire was the end of the parking lot."
"I leapt out from behind a pickup and swung the chain."
"I'm dying," I said, hearing the shock in my own voice."
"I'm a waitress," I said, again deliberately misunderstanding him."
"I smiled, genuinely. I like the unexpected."
"We're all mean, Sookie. We're all very strong and very violent."
"Sometimes he seemed very old-fashioned, sometimes he seemed as normal as the guy next door."
"What's the matter? Has he been saying ugly things to you?"
"Everyone who comes here does, to one extent or another."
"I'm just doubting my ability to get you in and out without having to kill someone who wants you."
"Bellefleur, sit in someone else's area if you come back."
"Is it true that Bill Compton is going to speak to the Descendants of the Glorious Dead tonight?"
"I have far more good memories of this kitchen than bad ones."
"Sookie, you really are smarter than anyone gives you credit for being."
"Then you have to let my life get lived, Bill, you can't alter it for me."
"I can't have you trying to fine-tune my day-to-day life."
"This crisis came sooner than I thought it would."
"I felt his lips on my forehead and then a minute later I heard the door slam."
"I had on a sleeveless denim dress and a pair of sandals, what I'd pulled on that morning after Jason had called me."
"I stood in the pouring warm rain, my hair plastered to my skull and my dress clinging wetly to my skin."
"No sound. No movement except the falling of the gentle drenching rain."
"I felt, rather than heard, movement to my right."
"Sookie," he said, very close to me, "why are you here?"
"What happened while I slept?" He was kneeling by me, bare and streaming with rain.
"They're dead, Bill, the vampires from Monroe. And someone else with them."
"You have to come to my house! They won't burn my house. You can be safe with me."
"I always think of vampires as smarter than humans, but they're not, huh?"
"If anyone can, you will," he said. "I want to enter you again."
"I remember thinking how soft the pillow was."
"I wish I didn't have to go, and it isn't what I want to do, but what I have to do, for us."
"I am trying very hard to get used to the way women want to be treated now."
"I'll miss you," he said. His voice was just a breath in the air, but I heard him.
"I do feel safer with Bubba in the woods," I said, which was more or less true.
"That's so romantic," Charlsie sighed. You could look at it that way.
"Well, Bill had to go out of town, and he worries, you know…" I was hoping to let it drop at that.
"Oh, you! What I mean, he was real polite to Bill and even that Bubba."
"I hadn't seen him since he'd driven off with Desiree. I hoped he'd gotten home in one piece."
"I'm sorry, Sookie. But Bill doesn't just have a virus. He's really, really dead."
"Listen, Sam," I said, when he'd calmed down. "I hear what you're telling me, but I have to work this out with Bill."