
One Italian Summer Quotes

One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle

One Italian Summer Quotes
"For my mother, the queen of my heart. Long may she reign."
"Get a window seat, honey, ’cause there’s so much to see."
"Never throw away a good pair of jeans. Always have fresh lemons on hand."
"OxiClean will take out any stain. Be careful of bleach."
"My mother was the first person you called for a recipe and the last one you called at night when you just couldn’t sleep."
"My mother, you see, is the great love of my life. She is the great love of my life, and I have lost her."
"If your mother is the love of your life, what does that make your husband?"
"I have no idea how to do any of this without her."
"What he did not know is that I had. I had given it months."
"The string that tethered us has been snipped, and I am overcome with how little I have left, how second-best every single other thing is."
"For thirty years I have been tied to the best person alive, the best mother, the best friend, the best wife—the best one."
"The only person who would know how to handle her death is gone."
"She is not here, and therefore, I cannot be here, either."
"I want to see what she saw, what she loved before she loved me."
"It takes me a moment to realize that my father has asked this of Eric, and another second to understand that the answer is yes, actually, Eric is nodding his head yes."
"What I know: She is not in this house, where she died. She is not downstairs, in the kitchen she loved."
"Flight 363. I want to see where it was she always wanted to return, this magical place that showed up so strongly in her memories."
"Trust me," he says when I begin to object. "They put a hint of lemon in them. You wil want another."
"It’s Italy," he tel s me. "Pleasure is the cornerstone of the program."
"This seems sil y," he says. "Would you like to join me?"
"How about you?" he asks. He pours me co ee from the pot. "What brings you to Positano?"
"Just do it," he said. "She’l love it, and she won’t say no."
"Darling," she said. She looked up. Her eyes were wet and open. She touched her ngertips to my face. "I couldn’t have dreamed it better."
"Positano is a good place to let life return to you."
"In time," he says. "In time, you wil discover. And in the meantime, enjoy."
"Everything wil be delicious," she says. "Don’t worry. Remo brought me here last week, and it is best to just go with it."
"It’s a place for lunch, right?" I yel to her.
"You’l love it!" she says to me. "It’s a restaurant in this little cove. They have the best seafood!"
"Have you been to Europe before?" "Yes," I say. It’s true, technical y. London counts, right?
"I think this is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. I’m not kidding."
"You act like you don’t know how you got here, like you just woke up and looked around and thought, Huh—but I have news for you. Even inaction is a choice."
"You seem like the kind of woman who likes to belong to someone."
"This must be the mouth of the Path of the Gods."
"The view up here is breathtaking, reminiscent of the one leading into town."
"My legs are quaking underneath me, and the sun is now fully birthed, coming into the world today raging and singing light."
"How many people have come and gone along this trail. How many stories, how many steps."
"But I have to say, I am so glad I followed you. This is pretty spectacular."
"The best view in Positano is actually from the ocean."
"The standards are high here, especially if you’re staying at Poseidon."
"Design is kind of a passion project of mine."
"Food, water, sleep, and exercise are meant for those who are trying to stay alive, who want to thrive. I didn’t."
"Sometimes, I guess, I feel that about Italy in general. All this living history."
"Many people believe that Positano was and still is full of very real magic."
"Sometimes you need time away to figure out how you feel about something."
"Life doesn’t always turn out the way we think it’s going to, does it?"
"He’s a fucking idiot if he let you come here by yourself."
"We don’t have the money to do the upkeep that is required, and if we let the hotel falter, our customers will not return."
"You never stop to think about what you want."
"I want to help; I want to make it even better. I want the Poseidon to be the best version of itself so it will be around for a very long time."
"Never trust anyone who hasn’t had their heart broken. It’s a before and after. You never quite see the world the same way again."
"I could constantly consume food here. I feel like I’m bottomless."
"It’s hard to be good at something that you don’t love."
"I love it here. I think I might move here forever."
"Sometimes people ask me why I’m not married, and I think about Bianca, that was her name. That’s my first thought."
"The beauty of decay is its own kind of stunning."
"I feel a sensation that is wholly unfamiliar begin to awaken down deep. It rustles, stirs, stretches, and then sits up here, right next to us."
"His fingers are smooth and long—like each one is its own body, has its own organs, its own beating heart. A map of everything."
"A moment hovers between us. The air feels thick with it. Possibility. Heat. The impending night."
"There is more to life than just continuing to do what we know."
"It’s our relationship; not everything has to make sense to you. It’s what we both want."
"I don't think bad action makes you a bad person. I think life is far more complicated than that, and it’s reductive to think otherwise."
"You’re going to be a good mom. A great one, even. You already are."
"Who am I to rob her of them? Who am I to tell her who she is and isn’t?"
"I understand why she’d want to have a hand in it. I understand why she’d want to stay."
"There is no denying that Positano is something incredibly special."
"Right now, downstairs, my mother is having a meeting to determine her future, and therefore mine."
"It’s all too mind-bending to think about. I let the thought pass out to sea."
"No one is perfect, Katy. Perfect doesn’t exist. What we had was pretty fucking good, though."
"History is an asset, not a detriment. It’s nice to be with someone who knows you, who knows your history."
"The best thing I ever did was letting your mother go."
"You did your best. You’re doing your best. Whatever happens now…"
"She doesn’t need you to be perfect; she just needs you to be you."
"This is who I am, I think. This healthy and strong and alive."