
Such A Fun Age Quotes

Such A Fun Age by Kiley Reid

Such A Fun Age Quotes
"Under the veil of two strong mixed drinks, the intersection of these spaces almost seemed funny."
"How do you know when you like it? Who says when you like it?"
"Her face—full brown lips, a tiny nose, and a high forehead covered with black bangs—barely showed up in the reflection."
"I’m her sitter and her mom asked me to take her because they had an emergency."
"I’m making money right now, and I bet I’m making more than you."
"When we get home she goes, ‘Wasn’t that funny, babe?’ And then we laugh about it. It’s hilarious."
"I invited this guy here but I don’t think he’ll come. I met him on the train, but it’s whatever."
"I hope he does try to touch some feet. Well done, sister."
"You must be classically trained to do moves like..."
"You may have an Uber. But you get a snack when I get your number."
"Because I have the music tastes of a middle-aged black woman."
"Emira, Zara, and Shaunie rolled their heads toward their friend."
"People do pay other people to act like part of the family."
"I know I should be happy for her... but I just wanna punch her in the face and go to bed."
"You need to buck up and be happy for Shaunie."
"I feel like leaving this fucking bar right now."
"You have to quit, you have to. You cannot work there."
"I hate that I'm completely shocked, and that I'm not surprised."
"It makes it seem like we're all the same, as if we can't contain multitudes of personalities and traits and differences."
"I wouldn’t feel right not letting you know about my experience."
"This is exactly what I wanted to hear. If it hasn’t been a problem, then, wonderful."
"It felt like Emira really was hers. And that Alix’s intentions must be good after all."
"Every day with Briar was a tiny victory that Emira didn’t want to give up."
"I’m so glad because she’s so perfect. But now I don’t even know how to begin to have the same life I had while I’m living here."
"Emira loved the ease in which she could lose herself in the rhythm of childcare."
"I’m here because I’m concerned, Kelley," she said. "I wouldn’t feel right not letting you know about my experience."
"I promise we’ll iron out all the details and get everything set before then."
"This video you’re embarrassed of? It’s honestly not that bad, and it shows how much you love my kid."
"But Peter and I want to help you out with this video."
"This is probably the best thing to ever happen to Emira."
"You tell everyone that you don’t have a comment at this time, and that’s all you have to say at the moment."
"We try to keep our girls out of the spotlight as much as possible."
"You just humiliated me and my entire business."
"We wanted to help you clear your name and you turn around and do this?"
"You gotta act like you like Briar once in a while."
"But you gotta stop looking at her like you’re just waiting for her to change, ’cause umm . . . It is what it is, you know?"
"It’s my job to make you so miserable that you’re forced into finding something that brings you joy, and then I help you seal the deal."
"I’m doin’ this thing, okay? But as soon as I give you a look, I want you to make a scene."
"You might be too young to understand this right now, but we have always had your best interests at heart."