
Love, Pamela Quotes

Love, Pamela by Pamela Anderson

Love, Pamela Quotes
"My dreams often come true—A curse, and a blessing."
"There is no right or wrong, just personal fixations based on one’s history, trauma, innocence, and education."
"Life is a series of problems we must navigate with grace—one problem solved, another arises."
"I prefer not to write about dates, or years or months or weeks—It feels superficial."
"Realizing that life is happening with or without me."
"To the young girls and boys out there who are painting their own lives, 'Winging it,' You’re not crazy. You’re brave like me."
"I embraced the illuminating thought: I am 'good enough.' I am powerful."
"I picture myself at 5 years old—In detail—I look at her from head to toe—I watch her for a while playing."
"You can’t 'discover' a land where people already live. History is often rewritten to create heroes out of monsters."
"The only ones who saw me through it all were the wild ones, The unsuspecting ones, The artists."
"The best advice my parents gave me was no advice. They admitted to knowing nothing of my world, my journey."
"I was sexualized so young that I skipped past the promiscuity phase. I would only mix sex with love."
"I never felt beautiful a day in my life. It wasn’t my place Or my role."
"I could tell they were digging, and I was offering what they needed. It may have been an unconscious cry for help."
"I closed my eyes as if on the edge of a cliff. I was about to fall forward into the abyss and let go of my past, my bullshit, everything that had hurt me... Freedom."
"You’re perfect. Tracey touched my boob to enhance my bony cleavage."
"I realized I was a work in progress and that my past may have had a serious impact on my self-esteem."
"This was how you really ate an artichoke. It was delicious."
"Darling, you must know this never happens. Not like this. You’re very special."
"The only thing I could say was, I’ll have to ask my mom."
"I left the key to the Mercedes on the table, packed my backpack, and left."
"We didn’t even play tennis that day, but I wore the outfit while we had lunch with his friends."
"I had no desire to be an actor, and definitely not a model. It felt empty, shallow, and weird."
"Take only what you brought. There’s more to this story, and I’m afraid you won’t be able to get out of this if you wait too long."
"I couldn’t resist—it was fun! Surreal, à la Pretty Woman, and so chic."
"I brought my mom to the Mansion to meet Hef. She thought he was out of this world."
"I just had to go for it: Knowing I would fall into traps And make mistakes."
"I went with Tommy to the studio or he came with me to the set."
"My life took off without me. It felt superficial, materialistic."
"I had so much to give . . . I felt like I had accomplished nothing."
"Fame isn’t something you can pursue, and it’s certainly not something you can stop."
"I never believed in trying to change people—Just change husbands."
"We are new worlds to one another—And really Life’s biggest challenge is to be enough for one’s self."
"I thought Kabbalah was beautiful—I wore the signature red string on my wrist."
"I was a seeker, soaking up as much information as possible, engaging in lively discussions."
"It was a challenging time. I hardly slept, I was working constantly."
"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." - Joseph Campbell
"To be nobody-but-yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." - E. E. Cummings
"You are so young, so much before all beginning, and I would like to beg you to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language." - Rainer Maria Rilke
"I’m restless. Things are calling me away. My hair is being pulled by the stars again." - Anaïs Nin
"I did a photo shoot for Vanity Fair with Mamie Van Doren. The photographer, Ali Mahdavi, was brilliant, hanging orbs to light our faces like the starlets of the fifties, almost in homage to George Hurrell."
"I think of Maurice often. I still walk the same path every time I’m in Malibu, and I feel his presence there. I believe nobody really dies."
"Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. Half-heartedness doesn't reach into majesty." - Rumi
"I prefer Parisian French and wanted no Quebecois accent. So I immersed myself in a French book I had, Napoleon’s love letters to Josephine, to try to absorb its wonderful cadences."
"Education was always an important consideration for me… Tommy and I agreed it was up to us to lead the horses to water."