
These Infinite Threads Quotes

These Infinite Threads by Tahereh Mafi

These Infinite Threads Quotes
"He was as a result honed to something resembling perfection—so much so that he’d in fact never been much impressed with his reflection, for he’d grown accustomed to the splendor of his face and body."
"The timing of it all seemed calculated to throw his days into tumult; he’d hardly had a chance to catch his breath and already he’d need to manage a chaos that could’ve been easily avoided."
"There was a ring of fire," a breathless partygoer said of the bloody clash between royals. "The prince fought valiantly, but he was badly burned."
"If this was meant to be hers, she thought she could understand why someone might make a deal with the devil. For the space of a single moment, something like this might seem worthwhile."
"I see now that you, as with everyone else, seem to want something from me."
"Confine a guilty man to a dungeon with only the company of his own conscience, and you prolong his torture. It is because I care that I intend to be merciful now."
"He was as if struck, upon sighting Alizeh. His eyes widened in something that could only be described as alarm."
"All this time you could’ve walked free. Why let the guards think they’d subdued you?"
"I fought the guards because they treated me like an animal."
"The terms of our agreement are nonnegotiable. Lift a finger against her prematurely and I won’t hesitate to kill you myself."
"The breeze was warm, the sun divine upon her skin."
"I remained here because I thought I deserved to die, for I thought I’d failed her."
"My son, on the other hand, will not fight fair. He’s been studying sorcery and divination since he was old enough to toddle."
"Your unchecked anger makes you a clear threat, my dear, and for as long as you persist in this attitude, Cyrus will remain on guard."
"I watched you kill five mercenaries with an assortment of sewing supplies."
"You stunning little hypocrite, I might ask you the same question."
"You think I’d tell you, of all people, my sorrows?"
"We must approach this from a position of strength."
"I hate everything about you. Your eyes. Your lips. Your smile."
"I was so deluded—so disgustingly besotted—I even named her as a possible bride to my grandfather."
"You are possessed of supernatural speed, strength, and invisibility, Hazan. I grant you full permission to use your powers for good."
"I realize you might not believe this, but I never dreamed I’d one day be forced to take a wife in this manner."
"Prodding him for truth felt a lot like prodding a sore muscle; the results were both painful and pleasant."
"He was a series of mystery boxes she wasn’t certain she wanted to open."
"My magic, should I ever possess it, is meant to come to me without formal education. It’s meant to be intuitive."
"For it’d be terribly stupid to save me, and I didn’t think you were stupid."
"You’re mean and awful and I regret ever feeling bad for you."
"Our prayers have been answered! It’s finally happened, and in my lifetime—I never dared to hope."
"This kingdom could never be ruled by the weak of heart."
"I should have rejoiced in his pain; I should have fled while he was unconscious; instead, I astonished myself by remaining firmly by his side."
"He was a ton of dead weight; so heavy she didn’t know how to get his head off her chest without shoving him to the ground."
"I was meant to have carried the crates of supplies down to the dock; I was meant to have packed a satchel of essential goods for my journey."
"But my grandfather lived too long, didn’t he? Just long enough to give me time to ascend the throne at a suitable age."
"I offer you my sympathies," the prince said coldly. "It must’ve been a blow indeed, to have lost an opportunity to rule as regent."
"There is no sense in allowing a child to inherit the greatest empire in the world simply by order of birth."
"That you lack the intelligence and experience necessary to rule Ardunia is a generous understatement."
"Our king is dead less than a day, and you dare to speak of him with such vitriol?"
"It is a comfort to me, to know that I was always right to loathe you."
"With every word you put forth you walk yourself closer to your own funeral."
"I’ve been forced, unfinished, into this blistering kiln of change, and it had vulcanized me."
"What do you mean? You agreed to perform the ceremony tonight—"
"How was this wretched place meant to prove his mettle?"
"I’ll come back," she lied, her heart pounding in her ears. "You rest here until I return."
"The silence was serrated by the devoted chitter of crickets."
"This latest blow of another savage betrayal rattled him to his core."
"That you’ve been haunting me for so long—tormenting me every night—"
"She’d simply stood tall, and his world had collapsed."
"How the Diviners intended to test him with this experience, he couldn’t know."
"You take a great risk by voicing aloud your truths, Minister."