
After That Night Quotes

After That Night by Karin Slaughter

After That Night Quotes
"Medical school was by design a system that didn’t prepare you for the real world."
"You either find a way to work it out or you don’t."
"Detox is hell on earth. Your patient is clearly suffering."
"No one warned you in medical school that this was how you learned how to be a real doctor—humiliation and vomit."
"The only thing Sara could control was her reaction."
"With rape, there’s a way that people expect you to act, or talk about it or—I don’t know."
"People always have an idea of how a rape survivor should and shouldn’t exist in the world."
"I’m still here, aren’t I? But the words are so politicized, and it stops being about how you feel, and it becomes about how everyone else feels."
"I try not to think about it, because if I do, what I feel is angry. So. Fucking. Angry."
"It’s part of the public record. It’s bound to come out eventually."
"Most people don’t understand what an ectopic pregnancy even is."
"The fact that I was raped—I was resigned to that getting out during my testimony at Dani’s trial."
"I promised Dani I would do everything I could to stop Tommy."
"If you want to pay us back, pay us with your happiness."
"I had this—I don’t know what to call it—altercation? With Britt yesterday."
"It’s funny how you never meet a white supremacist who’s also a feminist."
"Give a man a parachute, he flies one time. Push a man out of an airplane, he flies for the rest of his life."
"We can’t let Britt get away with this. She knows something."
"I didn’t want to spend it at a bar where people were getting drunk and obnoxious."
"You can tell how amazing it is, like a sculpture."
"There’s no greater gift than a child’s life."
"You’re the one who made that possible. It gives you an unbelievably intimate connection to another person’s life."
"Sometimes, you can’t fix everything. You can only try to make it better."
"You can be a good surgeon and a bad human being."
"They control their wives, abuse them, humiliate them, cheat on them, treat them like shit."
"She ended up on the streets because she was tricked out by a psychopath."
"You might as well try to stop the sun from rising in the east."
"Being gay was one thing, but desecrating the body the good Lord gave you? No, ma'am."
"My parents never had a problem with it. But Edgerton did."
"Decision time again. He didn’t know whether or not to trust them."
"Who wants to brighten your day by telling you how beautiful you are?"
"The thought of playing phone tag or waiting for the weekend—I can’t drag this out much longer."
"I’ll never know what it’s like to be an uncle."
"I was a sixteen-year-old boy grieving over his dead sister."
"I just had the weirdest conversation with Amanda. She was asking about the wedding."
"Pearls? Sara had never worn pearls because she was not a debutante."
"You’re like fucking Hodor. I mean, not like him as in ugly, but big and—fuck."
"It’s not about her winning. It’s about us losing."
"He twisted the cap of the bottle. 'It’s an app on your phone.'"
"Eliza smiled like a witch, her teeth unnaturally straight and bright in her skeletal face."
"The air in the condo felt thicker as Eliza crossed the threshold."
"Sloan, I apologize. You’re right that I shouldn’t have come."
"Every bad thing you’re thinking about me right now—I’m thinking the same thing."
"Is that supposed to be a consolation?" "No, but it’s the truth."
"Pour me something from the minibar. I need to use the bathroom."
"My fiancé has this little dog he rescued from the pound. And I love her—I mean, she’s a dog, obviously I love her."
"You’re talking about me with my first husband." Sloan sat back up. "And my second one. Almost my third."
"You know what I hate? Honestly, I hate a lot of things, but I really hate when people say, ‘Everything happens for a reason.’ I mean—seriously? What’s the reason?"
"I did tell him no, at least. Every time I tried to scream, he would stick his tongue in my mouth."
"I wouldn’t have met my husband if I hadn’t been raped. I would’ve stayed in Atlanta."
"His name is Paul," she said. "I know a wife loving her husband is not the thing to do, but I do love him."
"I couldn’t handle Cam pretending to be the fucking victim."
"You don’t change the job. The job changes you."
"You and Grandma always told me that it wasn’t [dangerous]."
"We lied!" she yelled. "We both lie to you all the time!"
"I’m a grown man. I don’t need my mother’s permission."
"It’s hard, and you work all hours for shit pay and you see people on their worst possible days."
"I put up with so much shit just to do my job."
"I’m living that!" Faith screamed. "Do you know why I have desk duty?"
"It’s important to maintain political correctness when we’re talking about stalking, harassing, abducting, drugging, and raping young women."
"I can’t stop the rest of them, but I can save my boy."
"It wasn’t a matter of saving Tommy. It was a matter of saving everyone around him."
"You think I’m some pathetic housewife? I got Jack to rape you."
"Marriage is a blood sport. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying."
"Rape isn’t sex. It’s not an intimate relationship."
"You could appoint someone to oversee a board. They could make decisions about how to help kids as they age out of the system."
"The money could be life changing. It could break the cycle of poverty, keep them out of jail and prison. Help their own children thrive."