
Braveheart Quotes

Braveheart by Randall Wallace

Braveheart Quotes
"In summer, the sun lingers for hours in its rising and setting; in winter, day is a brief union of dawn and twilight."
"But most of all he admired the strength of his father’s heart."
"We don’t have to beat ‘em, just fight ‘em. To show 'em we’re not dogs, but men."
"The test of a soldier is not in his arm. It's here," William said and tapped his finger to his temple.
"I came back home to raise crops. And, God willing, a family. If I can live in peace, I will."
"I have come to claim the right of prima noctes! As the lord of these lands, I will bless this marriage by taking the bride into my bed on the first night of her union!"
"You don’t choose your dreams. Your dreams choose you."
"When I lost my father and brother, it hurt my heart so much. I wished I had them back; I wished the pain would go away."
"They fought for me to be free to love. They loved me. They wanted me to have a free life."
"My father and his father had not fought and died so I could become filled with hate."
"Respect of myself. I had to stop hating and start loving."
"We must always have a home, somewhere inside us."
"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God!"
"That is my wedding gift to you: know whom to trust."
"Scotland's daughters and her sons are yours no more. Tell them... Scotland is free."
"No one wants to finish this fight more than I do."
"Half of any fight is to prove your honor to yourself. The other half is to prove your honor to your enemy. Without both, there is no victory."
"When our enemies understand that we deserve to be free, that's when we'll truly be free."
"Our enemies are not the problem. Our friends back in Edinburgh, they are the problem."
"Men who fight each other openly may find the honor in each other and establish respect."
"You think the people of this country exist to provide the people with freedom. And I go to make sure they have it."
"Behold the enemy we fight! We will be more merciful than they have been."
"She says the king will attack you from the rear with a combined army of English troops ferried over from France and Welsh bowmen brought up along the west coast."
"The recent avowals of a desire for peace were but a pretext, meant to lure you off your guard."
"You must choose your own course -- whether flight or compromise. But fighting is foolish."
"We don’t have a king yet, but when we do, he will have trade."
"We can beat this! With cavalry – light, fast horsemen, like you nobles employ – we could maneuver their bowmen."
"You wish us to be insane? I wish you to be Scotsmen."
"I don’t think I can do without one of those, whatever it is."
"If I say that, you’ll know I lie. I respect you as an enemy of my enemy, but I am not here to become your subject."
"I brought you all here so you could see what is facing us. This weapon will be used against us."
"I love my country so much that I will fight for it, even when it does not fight for itself."
"I cannot commit treason if I have never been his subject!"
"You have bled with Wallace! Now bleed with me!"
"If I swear to him, then everything I am is dead already."
"Your dreams aren't about freedom! They're about Murron!"
"You will never own a throne, though you deserve one."