
Count Zero Quotes

Count Zero by William Gibson

Count Zero Quotes
"The sea took the chill away, but a distance hung between them now."
"Her eyes were his own, and the Dutchman no longer troubled his dreams with bad jokes and a dry cough."
"She said very little, but he’d learned to value what little she did say."
"The breakers rolled in, their edges transparent as green glass."
"The walls of the ruined hotel stood a quarter of the way down the bay’s arc."
"He remembered a dead bat pressed flat as a dry leaf on runway concrete."
"He spent most of those three months in a ROM-generated simstim construct of an idealized New England boyhood of the previous century."
"You got ghost stories, sure, and hotdoggers who swore they’d seen things in cyberspace."
"Her hand, in the pocket of her good jacket, was a white knot around the crumpled telefax."
"The attempted sale, in Paris, of a single forgery, was hardly the novelty Marly imagined it to have been."
"Big Playground swept away like a concrete sea; the Projects rose beyond the opposite shore, vast rectilinear structures softened by a random overlay of retrofitted greenhouse balconies, catfish tanks, solar heating systems, and the ubiquitous chicken-wire dishes."
"Sometimes, when she was in a certain mood and had had the right number of nips, she still tried to tell him stories about his father."
"There were no windows. The discolored cream walls were blotched with spreading scabs of rust."
"He looked up at the bowl of sky, limitless, the map of stars."
"Vodou isn't like that. It isn't concerned with notions of salvation and transcendence. What it's about is getting things done."
"Life is hard. I mean, we're talkin' biz, you know?"
"You think religion, what are you thinking about, exactly?"
"The street tries to find its own uses for things."
"The trees are consecrated to different ba. That one is for Ougou, Ougou Feray, god of war."
"I told you, I had some clients up here needed entertaining."
"It's street religion, came out of a dirt-poor place a million years ago."
"Heavy icebreakers are kind of funny to deal in, even for the big boys."
"I don’t read too well. I mean, I can, but it’s work."
"He couldn’t turn his head to look at the girl behind him."
"Is he an individual? In the sense that you are, or I am? No."
"The world is filled with objects of great beauty."
"The edge of the crowd. We’re lost in the middle, you and I."
"It’s a history of the high-orbit industrial clans."
"You drive it like this: Ahmed, get our asses to New York."
"Lunch will be served in thirty minutes, sir."
"They really knew how to build ‘em in Damascus."
"Think of Jackie as a deck, Bobby, a cyberspace deck."
"The paradox of individual wealth in a corporate age."
"Virek is an even greater fluke than the industrial clans."
"The difference between a clan and a corporation."
"A true multinational, yet another home for capital-M Mass Man."
"There are so few people left who can even see the edge."
"You get any sleep last night, Jackie, after the show?"
"Every time Henry sees you dance, he won’t let me alone..."
"Most of them are friends of ours, one way or another."
"How am I gonna learn if I don’t ask questions?"
"I don’t have any fucking money, but I want some clothes."
"You ever see one of these motherfuckers? South African, prewar..."
"I shot down a helicopter. Mostly by accident. We were lucky."
"Because it’s hot out there and I need to cover the gun."
"My songs are of time and distance. The sadness is in you."
"You got it written across your face, mister."
"I loathe that little bastard. He’s right off the street and he knows it and he doesn’t care."