
Loathe To Love You Quotes

Loathe To Love You by Ali Hazelwood

Loathe To Love You Quotes
"Frankly, 'They get on like a house on fire' is the most misleading saying in the English language."
"Are you saying that he doesn’t know that you own the other half of his house?"
"Mara Floyd, Ph.D., just moved into her new house. And it’s most definitely on fire."
"Do you ever stop and wonder if maybe you are being an asshole?"
"Isn’t your emotional-support creamer bad for the environment, Mara?"
"Like they tried to truly capture them, to take home a piece of them."
"People like you live in mansions with uncomfortable beige furniture and seven bathrooms and overpriced art they don’t understand."
"I pad downstairs for dinner, the house is dark and silent. And cold. Honestly, how is Liam not freezing?"
"He shovels snow like it’s his one and only vocation. Maybe that’s what he majored in at Dartmouth: Snow Shoveling."
"I know in that moment, I simply know, that Old Spice is William K. Harding’s favorite brand of personal hygiene products, and that he suffers deep shame because of it."
"Honestly, your boss is a shit nugget and he doesn’t deserve you and you should quit and leave him to stir in his shit broth!"
"The fact remains that I lose my balance and stumble just as I try to walk past him. His hands, large and solid and warm even through my dress, close around my hips until I’m stable again."
"You’re so warm. It’s like you generate heat."
"How incredibly, utterly gone for this man I am."
"I feel fantastic. I feel brilliant, when I’m with you. And I want you to feel the same."
"The weirdest part is how quickly everything changes."
"I have developed a complex system of rituals and apotropaic gestures."
"I am a little superstitious. Just a tad. Just a little stitious."
"I’d like to hear that long, embarrassing story of yours."
"Being a woman in engineering can be tons and tons of fun."
"Would you really rather do something that idiotic and reckless than be in here with me for a few more minutes?"
"I don’t know if this is a date, but if it isn’t, will you go on one with me?"
"Wow. That might be the most un-Danish thing I have ever heard."
"It’s the best kiss of my life. No: it’s the best kiss in the world."
"This is like nothing else. Scary, almost."
"Let’s talk about how you used me to steal clients from GreenFrame."
"Anna, watch her walk away, and think about broken things, broken things that sometimes cannot be fixed."
"A new knowledge uncurls inside me, and I instantly know what to do."
"Because of course, out of everyone in the entire world, he would know."
"I wanted to stop feeling as though I were rotting in my own aimlessness."
"It’s like space is your whole personality."
"Every single member of the Mars Exploration Program did this, just like I will."
"My team is perfecting the gyroscope so that once the rover is on Mars, it knows where it is, what it’s looking at."
"The more rejections you get, the easier they are to swallow."
"Dr. Arroyo’s project is a brilliant addition to NASA’s current roster."
"Unless the reason was personal. And you vetoed my proposal because I didn’t sleep with you, what, five years ago."
"I shouldn’t take the word of the guy who went behind my back over the word of the guy who went to bat for me and made sure my project was funded anyway."
"They’d yell about it for hours. No wonder Mars began sounding so attractive."
"I fit inside them so perfectly, it’s as though there was a spot ready for me all along."
"Because it’s a great project. It’s absolutely brilliant, and it has the potential to revolutionize future space exploration missions. High risk, high reward."
"It’s scary, how attractive I find him. The depth of this crush of mine. I liked him since the very start, but my feelings for him have been growing steadily, then exponentially, and . . . what do I even do with them? It’s like being handed an instrument I never learned how to play."
"The truth is, I can’t remember the last time I was fully naked with someone."
"The room erupts into cheers. Everyone explodes out of their seats, cheering, clapping, laughing, jumping, hugging."
"Today . . . today is number one. The most perfect day of his life."
"First of all, you assholes could have mentioned I’m having a baby."