
The Wishing Game Quotes

The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer

The Wishing Game Quotes
"Every night, Hugo went for a walk on the Five O’Clock Beach, but tonight was the first time in five years his wandering feet spelled out an SOS in the sand."
"Places were times. Times were places. Confusing at first. Then charming."
"One could go mad living in a house like that."
"The sand was so cold on his naked feet it felt wet."
"You don’t have to be perfect to be a foster parent."
"Children in foster care are seven times more likely to suffer from depression and five times more likely to have anxiety than other kids."
"I’ll think of something to tell him. It should come from me."
"If Christopher were my son, it would not be a weight on my shoulders. If he were my son, my feet wouldn’t even touch the ground."
"And she would have traded every wild party, every fancy dinner, every famous face she’d met, and every night in a five-star hotel for one week as Christopher’s mother. Or one day. One single day."
"They tell us taking care of children is the most important job you can do, and then they pay us like it’s the least important."
"Don’t ever break a heart on a Friday. Ruins the whole weekend."
"You are going to be loved like you deserve to be loved."
"The only wishes ever granted are the wishes of brave children who keep on wishing even when it seems no one is listening because someone always is."
"We are the music makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams."
"You don’t tell me how to do my art. I don’t tell you how to do your art."
"God—or whoever is in charge of this planet—got drunk on the job one day and decided to give me the gift of writing."
"Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn’t there. He wasn’t there again today. I wish, I wish he’d go away…"
"What has hands but cannot hold? What has a face but cannot smile? A clock!"
"The stories write us, you see. We read something that moves us, touches us, speaks to us and it…it changes us."
"There is nothing braver than a child asking for help."
"Keep your door locked tonight. As of now, you're in the lead."
"We all think we're aliens, and we can't believe our parents are really our actual parents."
"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards."
"Until you face your fears, your fears are winning."
"I might play some infuriating games, but I wouldn’t torture you. Never, my dear. Never."
"He won't be okay. He'll be terrified if I'm not there."
"Since I was a little girl, you’ve been promising I’d be all right when I grew up. I am not all right."
"He’s going to be happy now, even if it kills me to make him happy."
"You don’t know what it’s like to be a child sitting alone in a room and knowing nobody is coming to help you."
"When you’re eight and your parents don’t love you very much, you think things like that."
"Kids believed Jack was the Mastermind. They thought Clock Island was real."
"I thought he’d come through it faster than he did. I don’t even know if he is through it yet or if he’s putting on a show for my sake so I can leave without feeling like I’m abandoning him."
"Jack’s father was an alcoholic. He said it was like growing up with a werewolf."
"I have to be there when he left. I have to be there to tell him it would be all right, that she would see him as often as she could, that he was going to be okay, that it would be scary, but he wasn’t alone."
"Jack’s books had gotten her through the worst years of her life."
"Sometimes the thing we want most in the world is the thing we’re most afraid of. And the thing we’re most afraid of is often the thing we most want."
"I’ve always believed that children should never have to worry about adults, that something’s gone very wrong when they do."
"Hate is a knife without a handle. You can’t cut something with it without cutting yourself."
"You paid off his student loans, didn’t you?" "No comment. But if I did such a thing, the gift would come with the condition to get anger management therapy."
"I’ve always been a supporter of small independent bookstores."
"Jack, you can’t save the world." "And I would never try," Jack said. "All I did was keep my promise to those kids."
"It comes after Q." "Me," Hugo said. "You did all this for me?"
"This whole bloody game was a ploy to try to trick me into staying?"
"Mama loves you," she said. "I know." But then he quickly leaned his head back against her, his way of saying he loved her too.
"Christopher’s on cloud nine, and we’re never going to get him down." "And you?" Hugo asked. "Happy?" "He’s mine. Enough said."
"It did take a village to raise a child. And Lucy was getting a brand-new village."
"It’s so unfair," she whispered. "I just got her back. But you know that better than anyone." "I know."
"Tick-tock," Jack said. "Welcome to the Clock."
"We have lots of them around here," he said. "Never go swimming with a steak sandwich in your pocket."
"It’s the dog’s bollocks." "Is that British for ‘it’s good’?" "Now you’re learning."
"Mom! Mom! Mom! I fed a real raven!" "I saw! Good job."