
Final Offer Quotes

Final Offer by Lauren Asher

Final Offer Quotes
"His blue eyes trace the shape of my face like an invisible caress, sending a rush of warmth through my body."
"It’s been over six years since I last saw him. Six long years that have hardened me enough to spot his allure for exactly what it is. A trap."
"She always said a woman should be two things—armed and dangerous."
"That’s the thing about Cal. He can make anyone forget that they’re angry with him solely by cracking a joke and flashing a smile. It is his greatest superpower and my personal kryptonite."
"There are a hundred different ways I want to show how I’m sorry, but my options are limited from the afterlife."
"I swear he is probably sipping a strawberry margarita from the afterlife, gleefully watching my life implode."
"Everything about seeing him again hurts. Like someone pulverized my heart until it is unrecognizable."
"He was never supposed to come back. The last time I saw him, he promised me as much."
"Is it really considered a crisis if it’s a constant state of being for you?"
"He’s a narcissistic psychopath. The bar wasn’t set very high to begin with."
"I knew the person he was while on opioids and alcohol didn’t hold a candle to the man I knew he could be."
"I lost more than my job that year. I lost myself."
"Life is about perspective. Until you change yours, you’ll always be tied to this."
"Apologizing doesn’t mean anything when you have no intention of fixing the problem in the first place."
"I was just miserably trying to impress you, even if it meant risking a few broken bones and a criminal record to do so."
"What if you end up spending the rest of your life regretting not taking a chance when you had it?"
"The point is, you’ll miss out on all the things you could have done if you just asked yourself why not instead of what if."
"Selling the house has never been about making money for me."
"I can practically taste victory, so I pull out my wild card."
"You get the final say, so long as you’re not vetoing potential buyers for no good reason."
"The USS Constitution Lana bought me for my birthday sits unfinished on the lowest shelf, looking abandoned with its incomplete hull facing toward the ceiling."
"You never had a chance to finish it together."
"She might not look like Lana, but she is 100 percent her through and through."
"It’s the people we love most who always hurt us the hardest."
"I’ve got to get back to work. I’m sorry I can’t help you."
"It’s been two years already and you decide to call now?"
"I’m not intimidated by you. Nothing you can do or say will change the fact that I’m her mother."
"I know I can’t go back and change what I did the last time I was here."
"I’ve never been more certain of anything."
"Cal is the only woman I ever loved, and it’s time I started acting like it."
"The only thing getting in the way was me."
"I don’t plan on making the same mistake again."
"Kissing Lana feels like the world started spinning again."
"You don’t exactly expect it to happen until you’re crash landing into someone else’s arms, wondering how the hell you lost the battle against gravity in the first place."
"In the end, it doesn’t matter what I think because she loves you, so maybe it’s you who should do better by her."
"I’m willing to support you through your journey to get sober—I always have been and I always will be—but only if you are willing to put in the hard work that it takes to find better ways to manage your feelings."
"You and Cami aren’t a deal. You two are a lottery jackpot, and it’s time someone treated you both that way."
"Screwing up is inevitable, but I promise to make it up to you every single time."
"Being here... it feels like I’m still connected to her."
"My girl is a romantic through and through."
"Because love like that—the unconditional kind that comes straight from the heart—isn’t easy to find."
"If I chose to relapse, it’s on me, not her."
"Maybe you should give him a chance to learn from his mistakes instead of ignoring him out of spite."
"The only person I can count on to make our dreams come true is myself."
"I want to love myself as much as you love me."
"Sobriety is a journey, except to get to the final destination, I needed to suffer through a month-long turbulent plane ride with no landing strip in sight."
"Today is the first official day where I choose to be sober."
"Falling in love with yourself is ten times harder than falling in love with someone else, especially when I don’t like myself very much."
"How can I expect you to trust me if I don’t trust myself?"
"You should know by now I’d do anything for you."
"I’m here because I refuse to give up on myself."
"Trying and failing is better than not trying at all."
"After all the shit Declan has been through, he deserves a chance at being the kind of father we wished for."
"I’m proud of you. For so many different things, but most of all for how far you’ve come in such a short amount of time."
"I’d like to make a toast to us finally achieving our dreams."