
Romantic Comedy Quotes

Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld

Romantic Comedy Quotes
"Danny was like a little brother to me—I adored him, and he stank and got on my nerves."
"Annabel was beautiful and sweet and charming, and if she didn’t have the best comic timing, she was completely game, which was just as important."
"I’ve always thought it works better when the host is making fun of himself—or herself—instead of mocking other people, so I’m inclined to pass on this one."
"It’s very demeaning that you think my vagina needs cleaning. It shouldn’t smell floral when I’m getting oral."
"I want to create characters who aren’t flawless but also aren’t ridiculous or incompetent at life."
"The fraudulence is being rewarded for something I’d gladly do for free."
"Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go." —Hermann Hesse
"Without question, I had the best job in the world."
"I hope the inside baseball isn’t boring you to death."
"I often thought that TNO was like a sped-up version of life itself."
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."
"I just can’t see how anyone who thinks they have everything sorted out and have come out on top could write very good songs."
"Hot eventually gets boring, but funny never does."
"I’ve also felt bad about it. The reality is that you don’t owe me an apology, and I do owe you one."
"I sometimes used to wish I could hit pause for six months or a year and now it’s like the universe called my bluff."
"I respect that you are not afraid to be dark or to acknowledge the awkwardness of life instead of glossing over it."
"The one thing I can control is my music…not sales, not market trends, not critical reaction."
"Aren’t we all just looking for someone to talk about everything with? Someone worth the effort of telling our stories and opinions to, whose stories and opinions we actually want to hear?"
"All of that said, I’m a person to exactly the same degree you’re a person."
"It was like swimming in the ocean and feeling something shift under you and the next thing you know, a gigantic magical sea creature that you never knew existed is rising out of the water."
"I realize this also might disrupt the space-time continuum but can I just call you right now?"
"If life were a romantic comedy, I’d have awakened the next morning."
"Dating kind of has to be an act of reckless optimism, right? The triumph of hope over experience?"
"Isn’t the goal to live with our demons, not to expect them to go away?"
"Sometimes when I speak, I feel like I’m writing dialogue for the character of myself. I’m impersonating a normal human when really I’m a confused freak."
"We’re all confused freaks. It’s just that most of us aren’t professional writers."
"None of that means that what’s happening between us isn’t real."
"We’re dynamic and kinetic, and it’s like I said before—right away, I wanted to talk to you, and every time I’ve talked to you since I’ve always wanted to keep talking to you."
"The sound of you laughing—there’s nothing else like it."
"For a long time, I’ve known that the best parts of my life were the public parts."
"The best, most interesting part of my life is behind the scenes."
"That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me in my entire life."
"I don’t know how to be in a relationship."
"People tend to be persistent when it’s important."
"When it’s happening to other people, it’s cheesy. When it’s happening to you, it’s wonderful."
"Ain’t it funny how we lose one day / And a lifetime slips away."
"Sally, I do love you more and more. And this is me talking—Noah—not the Indigo Girls, though I bet the Indigo Girls would love you, too, if they knew you."