
The Brothers Hawthorne Quotes

The Brothers Hawthorne by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Brothers Hawthorne Quotes
"You couldn’t get around rules if you didn’t know them."
"The moment your muscles tensed, the moment you stopped breathing, the moment you broke your stance instead of flowing from one to the next, you lost."
"Anything worth doing is worth doing well."
"I have twenty-eight billion reasons to be obsessed."
"This might be the only conversation we ever have."
"One week, all access. And all it will cost you is two hundred thousand pounds."
"You misunderstand. It’s not a fee. The levy to join the Devil’s Mercy is much steeper."
"I know, that tone said, that you want more than you’ve asked for."
"I’m afraid neither one of you rises to the level of meriting the attention of the Proprietor."
"A new member. You’re the lure, Heiress."
"She never should have gotten into a car with him."
"Steal her key. Subvert her search for the name."
"What happens if we need more than a week?"
"You don’t achieve what I have achieved without an eye to potential eventualities."
"And if aliens did land on the portico, do you know who the Grayson family would call? Mr. Trowbridge."
"You don’t want to make me repeat myself."
"Power and control. It always came down to power and control—who had them, who didn’t, who would lose them first."
"Perfection without artistry is worth very little."
"There are moments in life when we are gifted with the opportunity to go outside ourselves. To see the world anew. To see what other people miss."
"The only ways for a match to end are for a fighter to yield or be knocked unconscious."
"Sometimes, it was better to just rip off the bandage."
"If he’s going to succeed, you’re going to have to do a hell of a lot more than win at the tables."
"You can’t win anything for anyone if you don’t get an invitation to the Game."
"The fingers on his good hand curled into a fist."
"I am not a person who’s easily surprised or easily defeated."
"Grayson had not been raised to leave anything to chance."
"It shouldn’t be this hard to cancel a membership."
"Well, I imagine they’ll say I’m bored and lost without my husband. Let them."
"Regrets are a waste of your time and mine."
"Don’t ever be sorry, Grayson. Be better."
"But what-if is different once you have kids, because all of a sudden, everything leading up to their births, those choices, those realities are set in stone. Because if things had been even a little bit different, they might not exist, and that is the one possibility you cannot bear."
"I'm not giving you anything. Would the deal you've struck even give you Vantage back?"
"I’m going to need someone to drive my car out to me again."
"You’re Jameson Winchester Hawthorne. And we’re going to win this game."
"You’d risk whatever this is. A secret you claim is deadly, a price you never should have paid to be here, to win a prize that you don’t even want?"
"Family. That one word was seared into Jameson’s mind like a brand."
"To Ian, Jameson had been disposable. To Branford, apparently, he was not."
"He was extraordinary. He had to be. There was no other choice."
"You don’t have to be a player to win the game."
"I don’t want anything from your brother."
"You don’t need to worry about Eve and me, period."