
Bright Young Women Quotes

Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll

Bright Young Women Quotes
"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you react to it."
"I realized with a wrecking ball of relief he could not actually find me in the shadow of the stairwell, that while he was visible to me, I remained unwitnessed."
"A black swan event is a highly improbable event but also one that, upon closer examination, was predictable."
"But not all black swan events are bad... Things can go catastrophically wrong, but they can also go so right as to be profoundly transformative."
"Grief is a chore you have to do, and it’s a messy one, at that."
"The more I understand, psychoanalytically, about my own life, the clearer I am about what its true purpose is."
"I couldn’t imagine a greater satisfaction than knowing you were doing exactly what you were put on this earth to do."
"Law enforcement would rather we remember a dull man as brilliant than take a good hard look at the role they played in this absolute sideshow, and I am sick to death of watching them..."
"Denise may not have lived long... but she still managed to leave her mark on the world."
"When you look like Tina, children like Allen are just children. They can’t hurt you."
"Cosmopolitan too. I was a Virgo, and nowhere in my horoscope did it foretell any of this."
"I have a meeting with the sheriff this afternoon."
"He killed two girls, precisely two hours apart in broad daylight, and no one saw a thing."
"The Defendant is here in Tallahassee, and it’s in the papers that there was an eyewitness. You’re not safe as long as he’s out there."
"There are a lot of sad things in this world, and getting everything you want only to realize you are still empty inside is certainly one of them."
"I served. And when I came back, I wasn’t okay for a long time."
"And yet the myth of his mastermind persists, though a few Google searches is all it takes to corroborate the truth."
"Sometimes I think The Defendant is just another old wives’ tale."
"Being back here, I’m reminded of how short life is for some people."
"Women got that feeling about him, that funny one we all get when we know something isn’t right."
"I get to say that you do a disservice to them, to every woman who was interrupted in the middle of something good, if you don’t tell this fiancé who lets you do what you want to go to hell, because you’re going to Columbia."
"You would be amazed how easy this country makes it to hurt someone if that is your goal."
"The truth is something people will go to great lengths to keep for themselves. It shouldn't feel like a gift when you get it, but it is."
"The clearest argument is always the one that relies on ordinary people's latent understanding of our system."
"Our system recognizes that as a criminal offense in and of itself."
"You may not remember me, but I have never forgotten you."
"I was a good enough person to get into heaven."
"I am a first-year student at Columbia Law."
"Impossible grief is grief that does not adhere to a social contract of justice or human rituals."
"My whole family is getting ready to attend a celebration on the one-year anniversary of my father’s death, and I am the only one not going. My mother is despondent."
"Hell, you can be mad at your mother and still love her. But they’re the ones you need to get mad at."
"You have no family. I don’t want that. I don’t want to be like you."
"It was a sensational moment of lucidity, one that begged to be shared with the person who prophesied it."
"Comforting you, when I’m the one who needs comforting."
"You may not be able to accept it. But that doesn’t give you the right to go around peddling your delusions to people in vulnerable situations."
"Perfect is not something anyone wants to be."
"Kids who are raised in hostile environments are seven times more likely to become violent perpetrators as adults."
"It’s like there’s never been any room for how I feel."
"There is nothing in the world like knowing you did exactly the right thing."
"Why not a year ago, when there was nothing to take from me? It was like he had scoured the beach for the woman most flush with life."
"It’s a tragedy for this court to see such a total waste of humanity that I’ve experienced in this court."
"But as I listened to those girls pick out the polite chauvinism in that tinny clip, I wondered if maybe it was time to fish my name out of the footnotes; unstitch the lie of him."