
King Of Pride Quotes

King Of Pride by Ana Huang

King Of Pride Quotes
"I’m afraid we don’t serve glow-in-the-dark gin and tonics."
"I sense a but at the end of that sentence."
"I had a breakthrough at Vivian’s wedding. It’s the Italian air. It was so, um, inspiring."
"I haven’t fucked up in over thirty years. I don’t plan on starting now."
"But I’m not wrong. She seems like the type of woman you’d date."
"You have an overinflated sense of your own importance."
"But imagine how much more insufferable I’d be if I were a celebrity or politician."
"Checking the time isn’t a direct correlation to boredom."
"You’re the only brother I know who would willingly set up their sister with a friend."
"That’s precisely why I’m not answering."
"The lights glinted off his glasses, flashing blue, then green, then red and blue again."
"My pulse pounded harder, overpowering the music."
"Shouldn’t. What a strange word, considering I couldn’t think of a single reason why we shouldn’t do anything."
"Our breaths mingled for a single, breathless moment."
"Nothing else existed except this. The heat, the pleasure, the firm pressure of his lips and soft glide of his tongue against mine."
"He tasted like whiskey and mint and, God, him."
"My first kiss in two years. It should’ve felt strange or at least a little uncomfortable, but it didn’t."
"If he hadn’t been holding me up, I would’ve melted right there in the middle of the dance floor."
"Rigid, proper Kai Young, of the posh accent and boring hobbies, was an incredible kisser."
"The world had truly turned upside down."
"Kai and I came from different worlds. His role as Young heir probably involved marriage to a proper society heiress like Clarissa."
"The thought of severing it cleaved through me like a scythe."
"My orgasm scorched through me like gasoline set ablaze."
"I can still hear your cries, love. Every damn second of every day."
"Because now that I have, I won’t be able to let you go."
"Technically, Isabella and I weren’t doing anything wrong, but Victor had a talent for spinning innocent situations into tawdry, bestselling bullshit."
"Second mistake of the night, Black," I said quietly. "Do not disrespect any woman like that when I’m in the room."
"Cold fury wedged jagged shards in my chest and washed the room in crimson."
"The only things hurt were his ego, his car, and his reputation, not that the latter had been great to begin with."
"I recognized him immediately as Oscar, one of the gallery’s featured artists."
"I’d never heard Clarissa sound so irritated, though to be fair, I hadn’t talked to her in years before she moved to New York."
"We more than know each other. He’s one of my favorite people on the planet."
"I had no intention of withholding today."
"I can never read Austen the same way again."
"A tiny beacon of pride glowed in my chest, and it was only after I swallowed thoroughly that I sat back on my haunches."
"What’s one more failure on the books? It doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things."
"I nearly choked on my freshly squeezed grapefruit juice."
"I have a shit ton of work to do on top of finishing my manuscript, but after getting fired, it was nice to feel useful again."
"That was when my family bought the island. I don’t know who C and M are since they don’t match the initials of the island’s previous owners, but I like to think they’re living happily together somewhere."
"I’m not curing cancer or anything, but it’s fun, and it helps me pass the time while my husband is working."
"You have the user base and technology, but you don’t have the ability to scale as quickly as your business demands."
"I assure you, DigiStream will be integrated seamlessly under my watch."
"My spine stiffened. I’d put out the most urgent fires while I was in Turks and Caicos, but there were plenty of smaller blazes left unchecked."
"Sneaking around with a bartender? Very unlike the image you’ve previously portrayed."
"I was dating an employee, not doing drugs," I said flatly.
"I left Rohan’s office and headed straight to my hotel bar for a stiff drink."
The downward slide started the moment I walked upstairs and heard Isabella playing the "Hammerklavier" at Valhalla.
"Kai Young’s Mistress’s Lies Exposed!" the National Star gloated.
"I’m sorry you’re dealing with harassment, but that’s a National Star issue," I said calmly.
"Because she’s beautiful, smart and funny. Because seeing her smile is like watching the sun rise, and being with her is the only time I feel alive."
"It went off by accident, and it… The bullet somehow hit her. She’s alive, but she’ll never walk again."
My heart wrenched. "Yeah," I said softly.
"The CEO selection process was a farce. Everyone knew you were going to win simply because you’re a Young."
"Yet you considered Tobias strong enough competition to threaten him into withdrawing."
"By the time the dazed guests filed out of the ballroom half an hour later, Russell had been stripped of his company titles and responsibilities."
"If I lose the vote a second time, perhaps I’ll pursue a career in show production."
"He fooled a lot of people, myself included."
"We didn’t indulge in heart-to-hearts or drawn-out apologies; we acknowledged the problem, fixed it, and went on with our lives."
"When was the last time you slept more than three hours a night?"
"I’ve read your sample chapters, and I love your voice."
"Why would he submit them to an agent without telling me?"
"Congratulations. The company stays with a Young after all."