
Powerless Quotes

Powerless by Elsie Silver

Powerless Quotes
"She smells like green grass, horses, and sweet summer freedom."
"I look like my mom, and Violet looks like hers. Except Violet’s mom died, and my mom lost her sister."
"He needed a family so we took him in. I don’t know all the details. There was an accident."
"Your dad is an asshole. He cares about himself. His business. Optics. Not your happiness. You deserve better."
"If you don’t want this. If you need an out. If you need a getaway car. I’m your girl."
"Sunny. I wonder if he knows what that nickname does to me."
"I barely recognize the man before me. Jasper has been in my life for almost two decades and I’ve never seen him look so . . . deadly."
"He’s so serious sometimes that when he laughs, it’s precious somehow."
"WWBD. What would Beau do? We both know he’d drink the beer."
"The reality of the entire situation hits me like a wrecking ball to the chest."
"The beautiful girl wearing my jersey who feels like home."
"I just need to hear your voice. Know that you’re somewhere safe."
"The last thing you need in your life is another man telling you what to do."
"She’s the only person I’ve told about the hand signal, about how I’m responsible for Jenny’s death."
"It’s peaceful. Serene. So unlike how I feel inside."
"It makes me wonder what view Beau’s looking at right now."
"I wonder if she feels as shredded as I do—as tattered and torn."
"For Jasper I’d do anything. Except actually tell him that."
"I’m a twenty-eight-year-old woman with a soul-consuming, one-sided childhood crush. It’s hilarious if I think about it."
"And then he pulls away. Like he always does. And I’m still leaning over the table, overthinking a perfectly innocent interaction."
"If making yourself sick with jealousy were an art form, I’d be a master at my craft."
"I’ve watched him year after year with a different woman, each one more stunning than the last."
"Imagining is easier to take than seeing it up close."
"You’re perfect the way you are, Sloane. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise."
"With Sloane’s eyes on me, all I feel is warmth."
"Sometimes I feel like I sank to the bottom of that deep ocean and just took up residence."
"It took me a while to figure that out. Years, in fact, to sort through my feelings, to make sense of them, figure out where they came from and where they were going."
"I’m ready to be unapologetically me and let go of the people in my life who don’t approve of the person I am now."
"I’m tired, Jasper. Tired of guessing, tired of tiptoeing around everyone else’s feelings."
"It’s always been you, Jasper. It will always be you."
"I wanted to dance to get all the anxiety out of my body, to tire myself out enough that I wouldn’t think too hard."
"I was thinking about you. I’m always thinking about you."
"The woman can dance on stage in front of thousands of people with all the confidence in the world but this has her nervous."
"Without this distance, I’m not sure I’d have even noticed. I’d still be a pretty little mannequin, born and bred to make appearances in his world."
"Eighteen years I’ve known Jasper Gervais and I still get excited when I’m about to see him. Still look forward to him coming home every day."
"And when troubled waters wash me downstream, all I have to do is follow the rope that ties me back to her."
"I don’t want to be the reason you’re estranged from your family. I don’t want to make you choose."
"I know you’re crumbling right now. I can see you falling apart right before my eyes, Jas. But I also know you need to be the one to put yourself back together."
"I’m a dragon and I’m fed the f*** up with boys and their bulls***."
"I feel ready to kick ass and take names."
"I woke up in Jasper’s arms. In our perfect, cozy little house."
"Every time I get too far, Jasper reaches for me. It’s... Well, it’s magical."
"You’re both settled. Figured out what counts in life. It’s the people. Not the things. Not the acclaim. The people."
"I love you, Jasper Gervais. I love you so damn much."
"It’s permanent. So are we. I’m never going to take this ring off."
"And the worst part is I loved him once. He was all mine. A safe place for me to land after growing up in what felt like some sort of domestic cold war."
"I let my guard down with him. I fell so damn hard. He broke my heart far worse than I’ll ever let anyone know."
"I wouldn’t have touched you with a one-million-foot pole if I’d realized the type of man you really are. Fool me once, never again. That’s the new saying, Rob."