
Good Bad Girl Quotes

Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney

Good Bad Girl Quotes
"Life is suddenly loud again. I start to run, desperately looking for any sign of the child or the person who has taken her. I see a woman carrying a baby and I feel rage, then relief, then humiliation when I realize it isn’t her."
"I’ve had this nightmare before. I sometimes wished she wasn’t born but I didn’t mean it. I never meant it. I love her more than I knew it was possible to love."
"People can’t be trusted. People can’t be counted on, so she counts other things instead."
"When life throws enough dirt at you some always sticks."
"The girl in the mirror is wearing thick-rimmed nonprescription glasses. She doesn’t need them, but she thinks they make her look less pretty. According to others, her green eyes are her best feature. That’s why she tries to hide them."
"A good book can cure loneliness, change minds, or even change the world."
"Sometimes silence is an answer in itself."
"People always have choices, they just pretend not to in order to feel better about making bad ones."
"Right and wrong are so hard to tell apart sometimes."
"Sometimes we all have to become smaller versions of ourselves to fit the story life writes for us."
"Life without dreams is just a slow kind of death."
"At night it’s my window on the world, where I can sit hidden in the darkness, looking out over the rooftops watching the theater of life on the streets down below."
"Truth tends to stretch and bend out of shape to best fit its owner."
"One person’s truth is rarely exactly the same as someone else’s."
"The worst parts of our history have a bad habit of repeating themselves."
"We are not the sum of our children, they are an impossible equation which we must learn to love rather than try to solve."
"Write your own story and make it a good one."
"Sometimes trouble finds us no matter how hard we try to hide."
"Time can only keep our secrets for so long."
"Seeing family can feel like time travel—and she’d rather not remember that out-of-date version of herself."
"The love between a mother and daughter is like a contract signed with invisible ink, but the terms and conditions do vary."
"If people knew who she really was and what she was capable of they would never trust her again."
"She is alone in the cemetery and Clio doesn’t believe in ghosts. But she is haunted by her memories."
"The people we were always eventually catch up with the people we are. So Clio does something she hasn’t done for years and lets herself cry."
"Do bad people know that’s what they are? Maybe all villains are the heroes of their own stories."
"Grief is only ever yours, just like guilt; it isn’t something you can share."
"The sky doesn’t have rules, neither does the ocean. It is distinctly human to make up rules, and disappointingly human to follow them without question."
"Let’s start at the end, because the end is so often the beginning."
"We are all made from stars, the result of explosions millions of years ago. You, me, everyone we meet, we’re all stardust and stories."
"Not everyone is fortunate enough to be loved, it's like winning the lottery. If you get those lucky numbers in life it doesn't matter where you bought the ticket."
"Rivers are like people. They change, they go where they have to. Sometimes they don’t look like themselves but they’re still who they are."
"I’ve lost everything that I worked so hard for, everything and everyone that mattered."
"Death is a mystery, isn't it? We're all dying from the moment we are born, it is only a question of when."
"Good. I don’t think she is," Clio replies, looking at Joy, who is still on the floor.