
Hang The Moon Quotes

Hang The Moon by Jeannette Walls

Hang The Moon Quotes
"The Duke says in a matter of time only cowboys and fox hunters and circus riders will have horses."
"I keep thinking about what the Duke said. When I grow up, I can’t become a senator or a governor or explore the North Pole or take over the family business like the Duke wants for Eddie. But becoming the fastest girl in the world, well, that’s something I can do."
"That’s what you call ingenuity, Whippersnapper. Making the wind work for you like that."
"You were born here, Sallie. You don’t have to wait."
"Sometimes it’s hard to talk about the things most on your mind."
"The cure for feeling down is going fast."
"If I ever do marry, I’d want it to be you."
"If you’re the smartest person in the room, is it always smart to let everyone know it?"
"If you travel at the speed of light, you’ll become light."
"Stay busy. That’s the secret. Stay busy. It doesn’t do to dwell on it."
"Don’t expect special treatment. I’ll treat you fair, but I won’t treat you special."
"You’re a Kincaid. Play that up. Get the Duke to think you’re exactly like him, except in a skirt."
"It’s when the boss asks you to do something you know to be wrong and you do it anyways. That sort of work whittles away at the soul."
"I feel sick because this marriage is plain wrong. It’s too soon. It’s reckless. It’s an insult to the Duke’s memory."
"This doctor’s planning to send you to an asylum. Tomorrow."
"Family is always welcome. Besides, we’re going to need some help around here."
"But now a long gun, when you take aim, it’s almost like the gun becomes a part of you."
"You’re not old enough to be a guardian. This boy has got only one blood relative in these parts who is. That’s me."
"You were the one, Eddie, who kept saying everything is connected, and that’s what I’m trying to do now, put the pieces together, make sense of what happened, but I can’t do it on my own. You’re so much smarter than me."
"It’s not just the tax. Liquor making is wrong and it must stop."
"God wants me here. He has a mission for me."
"To turn this county into a law-abiding, God-fearing place."
"What matters most are the laws made by the people close to you, the ones you depend on. Now that’s Mary."
"Married three times. Three husbands. But when I finally have a child, I’m all alone."
"I’ve never told anyone that, never seen it so clearly, and I could tell Kat now, but I know it won’t work, I know that her mind is made up."
"Revenge is not what is on my mind. Survival is what is on my mind."
"Revenge. We got it. But it’s not sweet, it’s not satisfying..."
"I thought being in charge meant I was beholden to no one. What it truly means is that I am beholden to everyone."
"Obey the law and starve. Or break the law and eat. Not a lot to ponder there."
"Outlaw. Rumrunner. Bootlegger. Blockader."
"All these lies, lies that trapped everyone. For the sake of marriage. The whole thing is sickening."
"We Kincaids are not looking for trouble, but trouble has come looking for us, and we will not run from this threat."
"In Claiborne County, we might look like we're breaking laws, when in fact we just follow a different set of laws."
"This is my battle, and I'm going to be the one who fights it."
"We reach Finch River Road and follow it across the mountains into Webster County. From up here, the clear-cut forest looks jagged and raw, like an unhealed scar."
"Smart people find the loopholes in the laws."
"Most women don’t learn from their mothers’ mistakes. They repeat those mistakes. I want better for you."
"Returning to that vile place, diving into the water to search for it while Gus and Georgette and Barclay Farmington and all their guests looked on smirking and tittering about it all—that was out of the question."
"He was looking at Nell the way I occasionally caught him looking at me, like I reminded him of something he’d worked hard to forget. A lapse in judgment. A mistake. But you never know how your mistakes are going to turn out."
"I don't feel better. What I feel is sick, head-spinning, stomach-churning sick."
"It's started to snow. Tiny, timid snowflakes."
"The Duke. I spent much of my life with that man inside my head..."
"There are two kinds of family, those you’re born into and those you put together from pieces that don’t go anywhere else, and this is one of those families."
"Lots of folks don’t deserve what they get."
"Georgette wanted to get to know the daughter of the woman who destroyed her family."
"It’s black as pitch. I stumble out of bed and turn on the light. Smoke is seeping beneath the door."
"What doesn’t kill you leaves you broken and crippled, unable to fight the next fight..."
"Scars are a small price to pay for coming out alive, for saving her daughter and her grandson."