
Pineapple Street Quotes

Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson

Pineapple Street Quotes
"‘Cis male vegan seeks fellow steward of the Earth. Never eat anything with a face. Except the rich.’"
"In my day, things were so much simpler," Georgiana’s mother tutted. "You just went out with your deb ball escort or maybe your brother’s roommate from Princeton."
"Oh, I was his therapist." (A joke—WASPs don’t go to therapy.)
"They’d gotten together for cocktails a week later, and despite the fact that 'their whole relationship was based on a lie,' a phrase Cord liked to use regularly once he discovered Sasha couldn’t actually complete even the Monday crossword, it was pretty much the perfect romance."
"She felt classic, like Amal Clooney leaving the UN for dinner with George."
"Red wine was forbidden, obviously, mainly for the sake of the new rugs, but also because red wine teeth made everyone look terrible."
"She felt lonely and pathetic, but she knew that all across the city there were girls just like her who had spent their Saturday nights waiting for something to happen, nursing a drink or reading a paperback in a coffee shop or scrolling endlessly on their phones, alone and biding their time until their real life would begin."
"Georgiana had always considered herself fairly well traveled for someone her age. But her work had made her recognize how little of the world she had actually seen."
"It amused her that he thought of her as a 'do-gooder,' when she knew that freeing fifty thousand slaves and typing newsletters for a not-for-profit were fairly different levels of beneficence."
"Darley had friends, she had cousins, she had a vibrant social life filled with dozens of people she could call for a cocktail, for a tennis match, a manicure, or even, possibly, a kidney—but she didn’t trust anyone like she trusted Malcolm."
"The Kims were everything the Stockton family was not."
"Soon-ja and Young-ho Kim had moved to the United States from South Korea in the late 1960s; the Stocktons came over on the Mayflower."
"In spite of her family’s behavior (or, truthfully, partially because of it), Sasha loved her wedding. It was grand, it was elegant, and it was just wild enough to make sure nobody would ever forget it."
"Sasha understood that Cord loved her, but he didn’t need her, and that might have been the most attractive thing about him."
"She wanted someone stable, someone easy, someone who loved her but not enough to lose himself entirely."
"Georgiana knew that between millennials and their therapists her contemporaries had figured out how to blame their parents for all sorts of life problems."
"Competition was their family love language."
"When they shared their final projects, someone realized what she had done. 'You made a beaver, Georgiana? You know what that means, right? You literally made a beaver!'"
"Sometimes it felt like the extreme physicality of their relationship was all tied up with their intense connection."
"For Darley it was a painful reminder of how very white her world had always been."
"The deal he had worked on for nearly a year was dead."
"I just can’t believe they all let me take the fall."
"Unlike Brooklyn Heights, which was swarmed with tourists and bougie young parents, Red Hook was a decidedly blue-collar part of the city."
"The more Sasha tried to fit in with Cord’s family the more she thought about those dinghies."
"It was like a bat mitzvah on steroids, like being onstage for the Super Bowl halftime show."
"You think it’s cool that a bunch of rich white kids who met at private school are dressed in costumes to ridicule an immigrant group in their own neighborhood? That seems fine to you?"
"You’re a rich real estate brat living off your trust fund, only dimly aware that an entire world exists outside the coddled one percent."
"I probably am. But at least I am self-aware enough to know it. Have fun ridiculing people who didn’t come over on the Mayflower."
"The Monday food group. That’s the saddest food group, full of baby carrots and regret."
"The rain slapped the glass doors to the yard."
"There were things you could do with family that you just couldn’t do with friends."
"She knew about Sasha and Malcolm’s little inside joke, whispering 'NMF' when they felt left out, but Darley realized she could just extend a hand to include Sasha, and she could have done it ages ago."
"You’re not pathetic, Georgiana. You’re heartbroken."
"I’m so sorry, Georgiana. He’s a fuckboy."
"Sometimes Georgiana felt she was trying to memorize Brady, preparing for him to disappear."
"When Georgiana heard the words 'no survivors,' she had to put her hand against the wall to steady herself."
"Inheritance had a way of ruining people."
"You’re not in a coal mine, she chastised herself. Buck up."
"It always struck her as sort of funny when a man described a woman as his 'better half.'"
"She was, by her own definition, a success."
"He wasn’t responsible for his family’s sins."
"People could change. People could evolve."
"Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t keep going down the same path?"
"You can't seek to fight inequality in the world while preserving it in your own family."
"People like me shouldn't exist. I'm twenty-six years old. There is no logical reason for me to have Chanel sunglasses."
"Sometimes discerning the difference could break your heart. It was just easier, in some ways, to stay close to those who liked you but didn’t need your AmEx to have fun."
"We need to talk about what life is actually like for most people."
"I had a good education and I graduated from college without debt, which is kind of shocking these days."
"Nobody should feel ashamed to get their period. Women need access to contraceptives. They need sex education."