
A Soul Of Ash And Blood Quotes

A Soul Of Ash And Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout

A Soul Of Ash And Blood Quotes
"A sweet but stale scent drifted out from the dark corridor."
"The Ascended didn’t attack us," Poppy said.
May we continue?" a raspy, flat voice asked. "Or would you two like a private moment?
"Her irises were the color of dewy spring grass laced with vibrant streaks of silver—eather."
"Bravery and strength do not equal goodness."
"I’m waiting. Tell me what you enjoy, so I can make you love it."
"I’m thoroughly, happily busy at the moment."
"The only unavoidable thing I see is your soon-to-be broken hand if you pound on that door one more time."
"What in the hell was she doing at the Red Pearl?"
"And for some reason, allowing her to have those all-too-brief moments wasn’t something I was willing to taint."
"The fact that you’re being all cagey about who you were with has me worried."
"My instincts hummed as I prowled forward, my pace increasing as I scanned the trees ahead."
"Five decades of having pieces of who I was broken off, bit by bit."
"Sometimes, it was like I felt too much—the rage and also relief because I was free."
"The release of putting all that nasty shit into words actually lasted."
"If anyone understands, I think it will be her."
"The predator in me recognized the predator in him."
"If one does not fear death, then they do not fear failure."
"With my sword and with my life, I vow to keep you safe, Penellaphe. From this moment until the last moment, I am yours."
"Something about this isn’t right, and I will get to the bottom of it."
"Both halves are as beautiful as the whole."
"I fully planned on getting as close to her as possible. Gaining her trust was as necessary as receiving theirs. I would use any tactic. Friendship? A confidante? More? Seduction was definitely not off the table."
You know what I think?" Tawny said. "Things are about to get so much more exciting around here.
"The difference with me is that you either learn the easy way or the hard way."
"I’d gladly serve any monstrous being if it meant you were safe."
"She would have to speak in my presence at some point. She had to know that."
"She peered at me from behind the laced edges of her fan, her large blue eyes filled with more than just a welcome. It was a promise."
"You do realize you will have to actually speak in front of him at some point."
"The Dark One possibly being in the city?"
"Between protecting Poppy with your life and limb and gathering spilled crystals, you’re very busy."
"No insincere thanks are required or needed. It is my duty to keep you safe."
"I’ve seen you on the lower balconies. Watching me train."
"You’re an absolutely stunning murderous little creature."
"Fear and bravery are often one and the same."
"The truth is not designed to ease fears."
"The gods hear and know all. Even what’s not spoken but resides in the heart."
"You know how easy it is to be yourself when you wear a mask."
"I prefer the version of you that wears no mask or veil."
"Patience wasn’t typically a skill of mine, nor did I see it as a virtue in general."
"The line between right and wrong is a thin one that is often crossed without intention or knowledge. Most of us live with one foot planted on each side."
"I’m not afraid to speak the truth... Your scars? They are a testament to your fortitude. They are beautiful, Poppy."
"You’ve seen me... You’ve seen what I look like..."
"I hadn’t expected to like the Maiden, not enough that I would strive to make her happy, smile, and laugh."
"And I sure as hell hadn’t expected how I changed around her, enough that I quickly found myself not thinking about the past or the future and forgetting why I was here. Feeling calm. At peace."
"She’s brave, even a little vicious when provoked."
"We held each other for a while, and I thought that maybe in a different life, I would’ve been built just for this."
"You’re not the Maiden out here. You’re Poppy, unveiled and unburdened."
"It’s hard not to wonder what would have become of Isbeth if Malec had made different choices."
"Just because I don’t bring it up every five minutes doesn’t mean I’m pretending it didn’t happen."
"What if Poppy was Chosen by the gods? If the impossible were somehow possible?"
"I suspected it was somehow tied to the planned Ascensions, but how?"
"I would choose this, but with more cheese."
"You’re a little overprotective of a being who is literally immortal."
"I wished the past was different for us."
"I never would’ve done a damn thing differently if I were in Malik’s place."
"Are you going to explain why neither you nor Vikter ever mentioned that you had this…touch?"
"I hope you realize that you are more worthy than anyone I’ve ever met."
"You’re so damn beautiful and so damn unexpected."
"Ian’s never had any interest in learning how to wield a sword. He’s far more interested in making up stories."
"I would be telling her that the Ascended were using her to back their claims of being Blessed by the gods and could hurt her, but I had also used her. Was still using her."
"And it was we reneging on the deal. Not just me."
"Hawke!" Poppy cried out, relief evident in her voice.
"I’m sure you have a lot of questions," I said, softening my voice as I saw her grip on the dagger tighten."
"They aren’t just loyal to you because you’re the Prince. They’re loyal to you because they care about you."
"They have fooled an entire kingdom, used the fear of what they have created against the people."
"The thing is, Poppy? If I had to do it all over again, the first thing I would change is leaving you in that room."
"Poppy was half-Atlantian—and that part of her was fucking strong."
"The lengths you are about to go to, to ensure that what happened in that cell doesn’t happen again."
"That’s a different way to look at what you’ve done, isn’t it? Set her free."
"A cage, no matter how nice the accommodations are."
"I’d fallen in love with you long before I realized it. I was on the edge before we even left Masadonia."
"Nothing more than the length of a heartbeat given to either arrogance or vengeance to then lose all which truly matters."
"All it takes is a second for your enemy to gain the upper hand."
"What a powerful poppy. Pick it and watch it bleed."
"Born shrouded in the veil of the Primals, a Maiden as the Fates promised..."
"Sera has always known what she is. Chosen. Consort. Assassin. Weapon. A specter never fully formed yet drenched in blood. A monster."
"The only one who can save Sera now is the one she spent her life planning to kill."