
One Of Us Is Back Quotes

One Of Us Is Back by Karen M. McManus

One Of Us Is Back Quotes
"The decisions you make as high school students today will shape the trajectory of your future for years to come."
"I’m here to tell you about the worst time of my life."
"If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?"
"Maybe that’s my life now: a series of never-ending last straws."
"Some things never change. First Jake Riordan, and now Reggie. What’s the point of doing the right thing when assholes like that never bother, and get whatever they want anyway?"
"It doesn’t have to be right this second, though."
"You know what? You’re a lot less fun than you used to be."
"The biggest unsolved mystery in Bayview is why that guy still has a job."
"It’s unreal, though, how fast the inner voice you thought was gone can jump back into your head to tell you how much you suck."
"The problem with Simon was, he never had any compassion about why people lie."
"People are full of surprises, even when you think you know them."
"You know I'd bury a body for any one of my sisters, right?"
"Phoebe, everything else aside, you’re not doing Owen any favors by keeping quiet."
"If there’s one thing we know about Bayview, it’s that things tend to get worse before they get better."
"Like he never really knew me at all. And maybe he’s right."
"Whatever's happening, at least it's not happening to you."
"Be careful, okay? Just focus on getting to Peru. You have two weeks, and then you can exhale. Things could look completely different when you come back."
"Put on one of your tiaras and be the queen that you are. You've earned it."
"It took twelve days since I was drugged and kidnapped for you to come home."
"Jake Riordan is walking free, and you have the goddamn nerve to come to Addy’s house and scare the life out of her?"
"If you set foot near me or any of my friends again, I absolutely will make a statement on social media. I’ll tell everyone that you’ve been stalking me."
"Damn, I fell for the oldest trick in the book."
"We need to leave, Addy. Now. No questions, okay?" - Nate's urgent request to Addy.
"If Chelsea’s name means something to you, then I guess you know her dad died when she lived in Bayview," revealing Chelsea Alton's connection to the story.
"Never let them take you to a second location is the first rule of any self-defense class."
Addy wants to know what happened to my father," Chelsea says, as if Jake hasn’t spoken. "How he really died.
"Jake owed Simon for keeping quiet about what happened to my father."
"Practice Makes Perfect. That was a better slogan than people realize, you know. It has so many connotations."
"Why are you always the one who gets hurt?"
"I couldn’t have imagined this many scars."
"Everything about Owen is out in the open."
"Brutal honesty doesn’t have to mean a total lack of privacy, right?"
"You look beautiful, Phoebe. Like always."
"But when it comes to you and me, it never is."
"For the record, though? It’s not the heights."