
Hell Bent Quotes

Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo

Hell Bent Quotes
"Steps in a ritual, performed with care, but they offered no protection."
"She could do that. Push her worry and anger aside, and try to solve this puzzle."
"Funny how all sad places looked the same."
"Egyptian, Mayan, Hebrew, Chinese, Arabic, engravings of cave paintings from Les Combarelles. They covered all their bases."
"Omnia dicta fortiori si dicta Latina." (Everything sounds more impressive in Latin)
"That quote is about libraries, not necromancy."
"Leaving Yale felt perilous, a little too much like a fairy tale, a cruel one where once she left the enchanted castle, she’d have no way back."
"All she wanted to do was sit, unbothered in a circle of lamplight, and live someone else’s life."
"Stories exist in all worlds. They are immutable. Like gold."
"Because every time I try to breach the circle, I feel a little less human."
"A little revenge can be good for the soul, Darlington."
"Darlington would go to hell just to take notes on the climate."
"He didn’t see you at all. People like that … they don’t see us. They just see opportunities. Something to grab."
"He’s not a cashmere scarf, Mercy. He has horns."
"Dean Beekman’s murder was like someone heaving a grand piano into a lake."
"He was holding a child in his arms, his son … no, his grandson, a second chance to get it right, to forge this boy from factory steel, a true Arlington, strong and capable."
"He regretted only that he would die alone."
"He was like Puck and Prospero all wrapped up together."
"A glimpse at what it might mean if she could simply learn and stop trying so hard all the time."
"It’s been a challenge. But didn’t Disraeli say, ‘There is no education like adversity’?"
"The pain you feel? You will give it back tenfold."
"I rescue you, you rescue me. That’s what you said, remember?"
"This is real life. The stuff with Lethe ... that’s the distraction."
"Let nothing keep you from your purpose."
"When faced with death, better to dance than to lie down for it."
"We’re all a bunch of amateurs. Lethe pretended they knew the score when they didn’t even know the game."
"Because she was the problem. She had always been the problem."
"But who would she be if she did nothing?"
"The longing for her, for one more moment of warmth, for one more breath, hurt worse than anything in life had."
"A ring of blue fire glowed around her. Alex was a doorway, and through her, Hellie could see the stars."
"I want to find her way back to this moment, to the sun, and the crowd, and the dream of her own potential."
"The knowledge we have gained cannot remain academic."
"You fought for him, we fought for him, when no one else would."
"Why can’t we just try again? What’s stopping us?"
"But she liked this life full of pointless beauty. It could all disappear as easily as a dream, only the memory of it wouldn’t fade the way dreams did. It would haunt her the rest of her long, mediocre life."
"Life is cruel. Magic is real. And I’m not ready to die."
"They’re trying to make you feel defeated before you even try. They want to make you feel hopeless and small."
"This is my home, she vowed, and nothing will take it from me."
"The mechanism by which salt protects against demons is still largely a mystery."
"We have to remember what they are. They’re not the people we loved or hated. They’re just... hungry."
Has no one noticed that the societies "gift" Lethe with all of the magic they deem too unsafe or too worthless for their own collections?
"Practical, merciless, a survivor who would keep walking, keep fighting no matter what God, the devil, or Yale threw at her."
"If only the evil did terrible things, what a simple world it would be."
"There were no consequences, not if you just kept finding new places to bury your mistakes."
"I’m just not made right, Mercy. I don’t know if it’s remorse or conscience that I’m missing or if the angel on my shoulder decided to take a long vacation."
"There are no words for what we’ve done. For what we may yet do."
"Hell is empty, and all the devils are here."
"The shadows seemed too thick, as if they had weight and form."
"This town has been fucked from the start."
"He had been torn open, and there was almost nothing left inside him."
"The leaves rustled red and gold in their branches."
"She met Darlington’s eyes. These were the places they’d been promised."
"Don’t forget, warned Darlington. Demons feed on joy, right alongside pain and sorrow."
"They will starve until they feed on the suffering of the dead."
"He wasn’t the hall monitor anymore. He was a hero, a king, a damn senator."
"Now Alex laughed. 'I’ve been called worse in line at Rite Aid.'"
"Maybe that was the way Lethe had always been intended to function, toothless and powerless."
"It’s not over. There are more demons left to kill."
"I am struck by the profound depth of my failure."
"You rescue me. I rescue you," Mercy said.
"I thought it would be different," Mercy said, and Alex could see she was fighting tears.
"She wouldn’t be able to walk away from death without it leaving a stain on her heart."
"The devil knows your name now, Galaxy Stern."