
You Shouldn't Have Come Here Quotes

You Shouldn't Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose

You Shouldn't Have Come Here Quotes
"I didn’t want to stop, but when the low fuel light lit up on the dashboard of my car, I knew I had no choice."
"In the distance I could see the mountains. They looked like anthills, but I knew up close they’d be bigger than the skyscrapers I was used to."
"The road ahead was like a black snake twisting its way across flat fields as far as the eye could see."
"Wyoming wasn’t a state I had ever thought about, which was a shame now that I was seeing it in all its beauty."
"Everything was on a scale so grand that it was difficult to take in just how big it all was. It was like nothing I had ever seen, a different planet within my own country—its own microuniverse—and I was happy to have picked it."
"The sun fell behind the mountains, leaving darkness behind. I had forgotten about the dark. You don’t really have that in the city—too many lights."
"You’re either alive or you’re dead. There is no in-between."
"Why not pick a place you really want to go? Heck, you could be in California or Hawaii right now, lying up on a beach with a piña colada in your hand. Not here in Dubois, Wyoming, eating beans and hot dogs with me."
"Sometimes I think about leaving and moving someplace quiet, someplace simple, where people live for the moment and not for the next."
"That was the thing about point of view—you saw things the way they presented themselves but that didn’t make them true."
"There was a sense of dread I had been carrying with me since I arrived."
"The missing woman. The scream I heard the other night. The woman’s clothes in the dresser. Maybe they weren’t his ex’s. Maybe they were Briana’s."
"Goddamn, that girl was going to be the death of me."
"The memories we carried kept it alive, and memories were just stories we told ourselves."
"What one person calls a rumor, another calls the truth."
"Set your own pace. That’s the key to life."
"But the problem with sweeping things under a rug is eventually it all spills out."
"I’m always going to watch out for you, Calvin, like you were my own."
"Sometimes pain felt just as good as pleasure."
"I had never felt that with anyone else."
"Safety, you could either have it or feel like you had it, and they were the same thing—until they weren’t."
"I can't go around regretting the things I've done that made me me."
"Everything was temporary... even life itself."
"We may have escaped our father's abuse, but we didn't escape his genetics."
"This place should have burned down the first time."
"The house is evil. It infects everyone."
"How had things gotten so bad so quickly?"
"The more time I spent with Grace, the less I seemed to know about her."
"It was electric . . . no, it was magic. We had what everyone dreamed of."
"The truth will set you free but they never tell you it’ll enrage you first."
"This wasn’t how any of this was supposed to go."
"I wanted to scream, and I wanted to be as far away from this place as possible."
"I’m from New York. Most everything here is strange to me."