
King Of Greed Quotes

King Of Greed by Ana Huang

King Of Greed Quotes
"Once upon a time, I’d loved my husband."
"Dominic didn’t care about anything that didn’t make him money."
"I finally had a good reason to cry, but no tears came."
I don’t have the money to buy you all the flowers you deserve yet," he said, sounding so solemn and formal I couldn’t help but smile at the contrast between his tone and the jar of colorful paper flowers in his hands. "So I made them instead.
Happy birthday, amor." His mouth lingered on mine in a long, sweet kiss. "One day, I’ll buy you a thousand real roses. I promise.
"I was hollow and brittle, a million shattered pieces that hurt too much to pick up."
"Divorce meant breaking up. Breaking up meant separating. And separating was simply impossible. It was something that happened to other people, not to us."
"We’ve been holding on to something that doesn’t exist anymore, and we need to let go. We’ll both be happier."
"This is us. Você e eu. Para sempre." (You and me. Forever.)
"I needed to take control of my life again, and I couldn’t do that without closing this chapter with Dominic. No matter how much it hurts."
"I STOPPED SLEEPING IN THE PENTHOUSE. I TRIED, BUT even with a full staff and the best entertainment money could buy keeping me company, it felt unbearably empty without Alessandra."
"This was it. My first step toward independence."
"You’re the only person I’ve ever loved."
"A part of me always will. But you’re not the person I fell in love with anymore."
"I was trying to get over him, but that was hard when everything reminded me of him."
"You’ve spent your life living for others. Now you can finally live for yourself."
"I want to know what makes you laugh, what makes you cry, what your dreams look like when you sleep and what keeps you up when you can’t."
"In every iteration of every life. Things may have changed since we got married, but you and me? We were always meant for forever."
"You’re one of the smartest people I know, Dominic. You just show it in a different way."
"You did this, not me. I merely guided you on the way."
"Alessandra was always stunning, but here she glowed in a way that made my chest ache—partly because she was so beautiful, I couldn’t believe she was real, and partly because it took her leaving the city, leaving me, to find happiness again. Out of everything, that hurt the most."
"A reminder. No matter how dark it gets, you can always find a light."
"For once, I was living for myself, at my own pace, and I loved it."
"If Ehrlich hadn’t pushed me into tutoring, I would’ve never met Alessandra, and if he hadn’t leveraged his connections to help me the past few years, I wouldn’t be opening my own company next month."
"When you know, you know. You can’t put a timeline on love."
"People looked at him and only saw the harsh edges and cold exterior."
"If I could rewind time and go back ten years, I’d do a lot of things differently."
"It’s not always about speed. Good work requires time and care."
"When I look at you, I… I think I could never love anyone more than you or after you."
"You’ll always be the love of my life, and I’ll always be here."
"Sometimes, you have to endure the awful to appreciate the mediocre."
"I needed something to remind me I mattered. Me, as an individual, not as a wife or daughter or sister."
"Give us another chance, one last chance. I swear I won’t fuck it up. I know my word doesn’t mean much to you anymore, but tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it."
"I’m in resolutions. I fix problems other people can’t solve."
"He was on my way when… God, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you."
"It was inexcusable, but I’ll never do it again."
"We’d deal with that later. For now, I chose to soak in our triumph over the first real, concrete obstacle of our new relationship."
"I suppose it was easier when you knew the other person was the love of your life, but regardless, I wanted to savor every step of relationship 2.0."
"Eleven and a half years is a long time to go without any changes."
"Being your husband will always be my greatest honor and accomplishment."
"I can’t bear to be parted from you. Please, Ále, will you be my wife?"
"Then I’ll start the countdown again, and again, for the rest of our lives. Because that’s how long I want to spend with you."
"I would lay myself bare to her a million times for one more chance with the girl who never gave up on me."
"This was it. She was it. Some part of me had known that since the minute I laid eyes on her all those years ago, but that didn’t make what I was about to do any easier."
"But I vow to always hear you over the sound of my ambition."
"I would spend forever becoming the man she always believed me to be."
"You guys were always meant for each other. You just had to…take a detour first."
"Seeing the big, gruff CEO melt over his daughter made me melt because I couldn’t stop picturing Dominic in his place."
"We were honest and open, and we truly loved each other more today than the day we’d married for the first time."
"He was a look at me wrong and I’ll destroy you and everyone you care about kinda guy."
"You wouldn’t notice your world burning down around you until you were already a heap of ashes at his Tom Ford-clad feet."