
The Love Wager Quotes

The Love Wager by Lynn Painter

The Love Wager Quotes
"They were dark days, her winter season, but soon they would all pay off."
"I just thought since we both had drinks thrown in our faces by Vanessa Robbins tonight, it might be nice to drown our troubles and share a bottle."
"I plan on getting floor-licking drunk tonight, buddy. Like, can’t-remember-your-own-mother, vomiting-in-the-elevator-phone-box, is-she-okay-or-should-we-call-someone hammered. Care to join me on the thrill ride?"
"It’s basically the same thing, only instead of the perfect handbag, you’re shopping for the one person in the universe who will make you blissfully happy for the rest of your life."
"I want to be with the one person where if something happens to me—funny, awful, wonderful—I’m dying to tell them."
"Even if you did sew tiny chipmunk attire, it’s only interesting if it involves short-shorts."
"It seems incredibly sexist to have women lined up to receive suitors, don’t you think? Aren’t we more evolved than that?"
"So speed dating sucks. Let’s never do that again."
"Jack Marshall was an absolute question mark of a guy."
"I think it was just two young, healthy people having a split second of natural chemistry."
"You make it so batshit confusing that the other person has no choice but to say, ‘You should go.’"
"Well, that was the weirdest escape call in the history of dating."
"He did the little face hold thing and I was done for. Small amount of tongue but not too much. It was kiss perfection."
"You think I'm his person? That's kind of beautiful, Marshall."
"Even though he had feelings for her beyond friendship, it might not be worth it to do anything about it if that meant risking everything else they had."
"No matter how good the food is, don’t put out. The third-date rule is bullshit and you shouldn’t cave to that pressure."
"He had a nice smile, complete with the crinkles at the corners of his eyes, and she knew he was a catch."
"Rejection feels like shit, even when it comes from someone who might not matter that much."
"I just really hate starting back at square one; with Alex, at least I had hope that I was maybe on the way."
"Then I realized that I was having a better time at our Taco Hut dates than I was having with any of the people I was seeing."
"We don’t have a normal friendship. We became friends after we slept together. Sex and feelings can’t get in the way, because we drove over them right at the beginning."
"Suddenly, Jack was right beside her. She felt his presence before she saw him."
"I’m having the time of my life playing boyfriend/girlfriend with Jack, and I wish the weekend would never end."
"I disconnected Ben’s car battery like three times after that, just to fuck with him and make him late for work."
"If I say something, do you promise to forget it if you disagree?"
"Because it’s too good with us for it not to become a habit."
"It all started in the kitchen. You remember? You were sitting on the counter..."
"Are you worried about me, or you? Because I am absolutely positive I will not catch feelings for you."
"Kissing Hallie felt like some kind of reward."
"I met a guy at a wedding, and he railed me all night long."
"I’m head over heels in love with Jack Marshall."
"I just want to apologize. I am so sorry, Hallie."
"You’re funny and smart and beautiful, and whenever anything happens to me, funny, awful, or wonderful, you’re the first person I want to tell."
"I knew I was in love with you the minute you fell out of the stupid closet at the rehearsal dinner."
"You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love you three times."