
Wrapped In Rain Quotes

Wrapped In Rain by Charles Martin

Wrapped In Rain Quotes
"I slept like this wrapped up like a cannonball because he noticed me less."
"Miss Ella knew I needed room to grow, so she had bought my one-piece pajama suit a few sizes too big."
"The built-in feet made a scratchy, sliding sound as I tiptoed across the floor."
"Hitting chert rocks had dinged and cut the barrel, leaving it splintery and rough."
"The more Rex drank and the more Rex cussed, the more Miss Ella read and prayed."
"That act alone explains the fact that I have no memory of ever not knowing Miss Ella Rain."
"Miss Ella found comfort there. Especially the twenty-fifth."
"You can whip it and beat it senseless, you can drag it through the streets and spit on it, but in the end, no matter what you do, and no matter how hard you try to kill it, love wins."
"Maybe it’s the July showers that appear at 3:00 p.m., regular as sunshine."
"The whole place smelled like a deep-muscle rub—soothing and aromatic."
"A pattern soon developed. By the age of three, I saw Rex from Thursday to Sunday."
"But the success stories weren’t enough. The halls were still full."
"Sometimes, he’d get caught in a question, or a thought or idea, and eight days would pass before he had another thought."
"Being asocial meant he rarely engaged people, but that did not mean he didn’t like watching them."
"True sweet tea does not come in a powder or a plastic container with a screw-off cap."
"Most folks down here don’t really get into cappuccino, but with a Starbucks on every corner, a few of us are moving into lattes."
"Rex didn’t have the slightest interest in other people liking him. All he wanted was their fear."
"Life is a banquet, and most poor bitties are starving to death."
"Rex turned fifty-eight and baptized himself in the three things he could not control: liquor, women, and horses."
"The devil may have it for you, may be scheming until his horns are steaming, but he’s going to have to get through me first."
"She looked past the suntan, the wrinkles around my eyes, the mud from the ditch, the wet hair stuck to my face, and the three-day beard."
"If my eldest boy is going to grow up and saddle the horse that I sired, then he’s got to toughen up."
"The Lawd put me here to look out for you while you’re growing up."
"If she so much as moved my direction, I planned to thump her in the head and leave them both right there."
"God thought of me. He actually took the time to dream me up. I may not be much to look at, but what you see first started in the mind of God."
"The only thing you can control in this life is what you say and what you do."
"I may be just old hired help, and a country woman to boot, but I’m a human."
"If you’re going to bring in renters, the least you can do is let me know."
"Miss Ella, you told me, 'No cross, no crown.'"
"You got something special in here. You may have the greenest eyes and best bat in Little League, but you’re more than good looks, home runs, and triples."
"God gave you a people place big enough for more than just yourself."
"The devil can’t touch you. Not ever. Before he can, he’s got to ask the Lord, and the Lord’s just going to tell him no."
"Minutes passed with me keeping my eyes on the road and my mind elsewhere."
"I took a deep breath, checked to make sure Jase was still sleeping, and wondered how much of this story to tell."
"I took a deep breath, noticed my white knuckles, and eased my grip on the steering wheel."
"Miss Ella used to tell Mutt and me that each day has enough trouble of its own and that we shouldn’t worry about that day until it arrives."
"Baseball and then photography became my narcotic."
"I don’t know how he found out about Miss Ella’s death."
"We drove through San Marco, and Jase pulled the covers off his face, wiped his eyes, and said, 'Mama, Donnamackles?'"
"I looked at Katie, the question written across my face."
"I don’t know much about your ex-husband, but that is a great kid."
"A weed had snaked upward through the jasmine and climbed the cross."
"You can’t hit it if you’re not looking at it. You can watch where it goes later; right now, let’s watch you hit it."
"He who believes in Me … out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
"You sound like you know what you’re talking about."
"The heart of baseball is found in backyards and sandlots, and the faces of little boys like that."
"You might find you’re good at living if you’ll bury the bitterness and cut away your coffin."
"That ash is a reminder that willful defiance must willfully be defied."
"You are the light of the world. So let your light shine before men. That it may reflect your Father… who is in heaven."
"If he could speak, he’d be cussing me a new lineage for putting him in Rolling Hills. That thought in itself brings me great comfort."
"You can’t rake the rain, box up the sunshine, or plow the clouds, but you can love."
"You don’t need an anchor; you need a rudder."
"I don't understand why anyone would eat any flavor other than banana."
"The time to call Gibby had come, and I knew it."
"Keep them close. If he's half as bad as you say, that may be your only salvation."
"It’s spelled T-I-M-E. And it’s something Rex knew absolutely nothing about."
"GROWING UP, MOST OF MY FRIENDS DREAMED ABOUT fighting fires, shooting the bad guys, hitting the winning home run, saving the girl, or even getting kissed."
"Rex could have told me that I was the most important kid in the world by hurrying home during a summer deluge, tossing me my glove, and saying, 'Hurry, before it lets up.'"
"You look like you’re giving a spelling lesson."
"It's the coldest Christmas morning in fifty years. Twelve degrees! Merry Christmas!"
"The look on Jase’s face told me he was suffering from the same dilemma."
"I nursed my coffee and watched from the door while Mutt struggled to shove Rex’s dresser through the window."
"I turned to Katie. She picked up the wings and held them in front of her."
"That’s what I figured. Still rebelling, are you?"
"I don’t know how, but it’s moving toward the backseat, and I think that’s a starting place."