
Vow Of Thieves Quotes

Vow Of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson

Vow Of Thieves Quotes
"Sometimes you have to remind yourself that you’re not powerless. That you have some measure of control."
"It doesn’t always take an army to save the world. Sometimes it takes just one person who won’t let evil win."
"We shared everything freely, no longer stumbling over our words."
"You can never know the true burden of secrets until they’ve been lifted from you."
"I knew more than ever now that chances could be wrenched from your grasp in an instant, including chances for last words."
"Justice burned in us, like a brand seared into our skin the day our families were taken from us."
"Family was a risk that you might never recover from, and we led dangerous lives by choice."
"We’ll write our own story. And it will take a thousand volumes. We have a lifetime ahead of us."
"The unsaid words between us were our safety net."
"Sometimes people leave us forever and there’s no getting them back."
"You need to give them the time they need. They’re only children."
"I’ve been ready since the first time I kissed you, Jase Ballenger."
"Each syllable made the hairs on my neck rise."
"It didn’t matter how hard I held her or how crazy I got with wanting her back."
"You just keep doing what you’re doing. And those things I said about your brother—"
"I’m sorry about your head today. It was one disturbed heckler."
"My heart said he wasn’t dead. This was not his realm."
"You see, the poor man was burdened by being the youngest and lowest ranking of the group."
"We already experimented on a few soldiers. The results were astonishing."
"Creating unstoppable armies, controlling wind, rain, fire, crops, the seasons. Maybe even day and night."
"The magic of the stars can make anything bigger, better, and more powerful."
"He’s alive, Kazi, take your time. I know it’s hard. Breathe."
"I’m not sure what happened next, but the light in the room seemed to change as if it all came from him."
"Quiet," I ordered as I dragged him deeper into the hidden bowels of the arena."
"No, back this way," I said. With little light, it was hard to see."
"You can scream all you want to down here, Sheridan. No one will hear you."
"I’m going to make this simple for you, Sheridan. I ask questions. You answer them."
"The air was heavy, filled with a peculiar dusty scent that was almost sweet."
"Ancient people were slung over open doors or hanging out windows, many still bearing their discolored brittle skins and horror-stricken expressions."
"I tried not to think too much about what it was."
"This time I would get my answers—no matter how long it took."
"I knew that. He wanted me to jump him. Did he think he’d wrestle away one of my weapons in the scuffle?"
"It was hard not to think about it," I answered. Hard didn’t begin to describe it."
"It all flashed through my mind in a few short seconds. I had to decide whether it was viable, but it was obvious the odds were not in my favor."
"There’s nowhere for you to go. Put your weapons down, and we’ll talk."
"You are nothing! Nothing without me! Do you hear me? Nothing!"
"You could have had everything. You could have sat at my side and shared all the riches of victory."
"But they didn’t play by the rules! And neither will your enemy!"
"I’m not a fool, Kazimyrah, and neither are you. A thief would never throw away such a valuable treasure."
"I’m told there is no death that is quite like it. Very slow. Very painful. Some liken it to being burned alive—but gradually."
"I have dreams Montegue hasn’t even thought of yet. He is the perfect partner in this venture."
"But there was feastcake. And nothing says married like a polished-off feastcake."
"History wasn’t just written on walls and in books but made in a thousand daily decisions."
"Waiting for someone else to write your history was no way to live."
"I have two arms but not a bone, I can’t be hurt with knife or stone."
"I’m shifty, a thief, a trick of the eyes, My robes are made of mystery and lies."
"What if, as I lost a grip on reality, I said things? What if I answered his questions?"
"A family’s not a puzzle with a set number of pieces. It’s more like a well—the fuller, the better."
"Color is the best of distractions, or anything shiny. It tends to make almost anyone senseless."
"I love you, Kazi. No matter what happens up ahead. I want those to be the last words you hear from me."
"The earth growled and grated like a monster sharpening its teeth."
"I leaned over, my hands on my knees, and blessed the Ancients and Aaron Ballenger with every prayer inside me."
"We have to go before they have a chance to regroup. We need to get to town and finish this."
"Gunner posted the dogs at the door as protection for those who had to stay behind, and waved the others to follow."
"The wonder was followed by elation, and then by sobering silence."
"Apparently they’d swarmed the tunnel in the last seconds in their effort to overtake and kill us."
"I looked at Gunner and nodded. Let them come."
"We turned at the last juncture and walked toward the end of the tunnel, but most of it wasn’t there."
"I took in the randomness of the destruction."
"We rounded the curve of the street, and the Ballenger Inn came into view."
"They love me. You loved me. They will remember. I was a great—"
"One thing I knew, we were going to take the offense this time."
"I vow to honor you, Kazi, and do all I can to be worthy of your love."
"The answer was a knife in my heart. There had to be another way."
"The world bobbed. Blurred. The madness slowed. My heart slowed."
"I warned you that one day he would kill you."
"His eyes were molten, like everything inside of him was consumed with fire."