
Born On A Blue Day Quotes

Born On A Blue Day by Daniel Tammet

Born On A Blue Day Quotes
"Numbers are my friends and they are always around me. Each one is unique and has its own personality."
"If you see a number you experience as particularly beautiful, there’s a shiver of excitement and pleasure."
"When I count, the numbers form pictures and patterns in my mind that are consistent and reassuring."
"Thinking of calendars always makes me feel good, all those numbers and patterns in one place."
"The arrival of a baby changes everything, and my birth certainly changed my parents' lives forever."
"I find sixes hardest to remember of all the numbers, because I experience them as tiny black dots."
"One of the most common conditions affecting the brain – around 300,000 people in the UK have some form of it."
"Sometimes, when I was good, I was allowed to sit on their laps while they read."
"School began for me in September 1984, just as my brother Lee was starting nursery."
"I often cried but my parents insisted that I bathe with the others."
"I stayed away as much as I could manage from the daily hubbub."
"I often rubbed the back of my hands against its surface because I liked the feel of its texture on my skin."
"Triangular numbers are formed like this: 1+2+3+4+5 …"
"I loved doing these puzzles; they stretched me in a way that the maths I was taught in school did not."
"I just had to collect every conker I could see and put them all together in one place."
"Trees were a source of fascination for me from as far back as I could remember."
"My parents gave me small value coins, lots of them, because they knew how much I loved circles."
"With 8,465 participants from 159 countries it was the largest games in history."
"Reading about the many different countries represented at the Olympic Games made me want to learn more about them."
"The carpet was thick and lumpy and clay-red."
"I loved rubbing the palms of my hands into the coarse, wrinkled bark and pressing the tips of my fingers along its furrows."
"The tactile sensation acts as a kind of comforter, though nowadays I use coins or marbles."
"I was absolutely distraught and didn’t say a word to the teacher for weeks afterwards."
"Feelings of high anxiety were common for me throughout my time at school."
"I was terrified of the idea of walking into the hall by myself."
"Predictability was important to me, a way of feeling in control in a given situation."
"I liked visiting the room and being left to sit at the piano and experiment with the keys."
"I often found it confusing when we were given arithmetic worksheets in class."
"I always completed all my sums well ahead of the other children in the class."
"What makes you think you would make a good volunteer? I can think very carefully about a situation, I can understand and respect difference in others and I am a quick learner."
"The waiting area was small and dark because the only windows were too small and set too high up in the walls to let in much light or air."
"Suddenly a door opened and I heard a voice calling my name. I stood up and walked over to the office, careful not to knock the magazines over as I passed them."
"I did not feel like reading so I looked down at the floor and counted the crumbs."
"The interview did not last long (which I took as a good sign) and I was excited as I walked out afterwards."
"In the taxi to the airport I watched the other cars driving past and counted them."
"There is no eye contact and it is possible to understand the other person’s every word because everything is written down."
"Lithuania was the first Soviet republic to declare its independence, on Sunday 11 March 1990."
"The republic of Lithuania is one of the three Baltic States, sharing borders with Latvia to the north, Belarus to the southeast, Poland to the south and the Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia to the south-west."
"There are several important reasons for this disparity."
"One of the things I like most about playing with language is the creation of new words and ideas."
"Mänti exists as a tangible, communicable expression of my inner world."
"Pi is an irrational number, which means that it cannot be written as a simple fraction of two whole numbers."
"The earliest values of pi were almost certainly found by measurement."
"How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics!"
"When I look at a sequence of numbers, my head begins to fill with colors, shapes, and textures."
"The most famous sequence of numbers in pi is the ‘Feynman point’."
"My plan was to learn as many digits of the number pi as I could in correct sequence."
"The first computer calculation of pi was performed in 1949 on ENIAC."