
Too Much Quotes

Too Much by I.A. Dice

Too Much Quotes
"Sometimes, all you can do is change the scenery."
"You’ve got some balls packing up your life and starting afresh here."
"I’m an only child, and my parents are very traditional. They’d never leave Greece."
"It’s not your treat. It’ll never be your treat."
"You’ll have to learn Greek if you want to know what I mumble to myself. I do that a lot."
"I know just the girl who’ll give me a few lessons."
"I’m pretty sure if I let her choose, she’ll pick the smallest, cheapest dish on the menu."
"I know I won’t fuck Thalia, but my dick apparently didn’t get the memo."
"The reluctance to share, the fading smile, and the short, ambiguous answers confirm my suspicion. She’s hiding something."
"I won’t admit it aloud, but whenever she mentions the motel, a burning sensation, like the swift kick of Tabasco, starts in the pit of my stomach."
"Sky-blue paint peels off the walls, and the broken, faded, trellises pinned to the railing of the second-floor walkway give off a horror-movie vibe."
"She’s the center of my attention until a waiter approaches, his face apologetic, check in hand."
"How did we spend all day together? How am I not bored with her yet?"
"Other than the gleam in her brown eyes, the cranked-up cheerfulness, and broader smiles, she seems sober."
"I’d do it. A tiny, adorable dog dressed in pink wouldn’t put a dent in my masculinity."
"Her lashes are long and dark, her nose bears a faint line of freckles, and she has a beauty mark above the left corner of her upper lip, in the same spot as Marylin Monroe’s."
"The currently nameless four-legged little shit used one of the couch cushions as a chew toy."
"She’s on her own, but she’s still the most positive person I know."
"I find myself reconsidering my life since she came along because I’ve been consumed by money the past few years."
"I’ve never smiled as much during my entire life as I do with Thalia."
"Sex would ruin the friendship we’ve been building."
"As if it’s not enough that she’s alone in America; no family or friends who could help her out, no one to offer emotional support."
"I’ve got six brothers, parents, grandparents, and an army of friends a phone call away."
"She’s a touch too young to hang out with the four of us yet."
"I’m riding solo to relieve the pent-up frustration lodged deep at the base of my spine."
"I’m constantly reminding myself that we're just friends."
"I don’t want to be your friend anymore," I say quietly.
"Roses are red, and freesias are blue. Baby, I’m lost. I keep thinking of you."
"We were never meant to be friends. You wanted to fuck me on day one, but you changed your mind halfway through the evening, remember?"
"I flipped the safety on a loaded gun." I bite my lip, inching back. "Pull the trigger, Theo."
"I keep telling you to stop waitressing. I know you want to rent a place, but there’s no rush for you to move out of here."
"You need to let me go," I whisper on a sigh. "You’re making me wet all over again, and we don’t have time for another round."
"I was the one who called the police. He was my husband."
"There are no words to describe how ashamed and outraged we are."
"This isn’t trivial, Logan. I’ve been thinking about a future with her. Ring, wedding, kids... and now I find out there already was a fucking husband!"
"You were married, Thalia! It’s not oh, I fucked a few guys before I met you no, this is I loved him so much I wanted to spend the rest of my fucking life with him!"
"We no longer have a daughter. There are no words to describe how ashamed and outraged we are."
"Sometimes it takes as little as a single misplaced word to earn a split lip or a black eye."
"I don’t know what happened, and neither do you. And you won’t unless you talk to her."
"I need to sleep this off; rest, recharge, and arrange the sudden influx of unexpected and unwanted information."
"The sour taste of fear on my tongue makes me sick."
"She put a dent in my trust today, and that shit is hard to rebuild."
"You’re too brave for your own good, you know that?"
"The guys tell me you threw half of the pans in the kitchen at the guy."
"I’m your family now. Me, my brothers, and my parents."