
The Dirty Girls Social Club Quotes

The Dirty Girls Social Club by Alisa Valdes

The Dirty Girls Social Club Quotes
"We’ve done this for six years, ever since we graduated from Boston University and promised each other to meet twice a year, every year, for the rest of our lives."
"You can tell what stage I’m at in my doomed relationships by the state of my fingernails."
"Men like Ed find me, because they smell the hidden truth of Lauren on the wind: I hate myself because no one else has ever bothered to love me."
"I admit I didn’t tell them I was half white trash, born and raised in New Orleans."
"It’s not that I’m not appreciated at the Gazette. Chuck and the other editors value my ‘diversity,’ as long as I think like they do, write like they do, and agree with them on everything."
"If you’ve got $15.32 in your bank account and student loans coming due in a month, what do you say to a question like that, even when the answer is no?"
"It means sending the only black guy in the news department to Haiti to cover ‘unrest,’ even though there’s a white woman reporter who sits ten feet from him and happens to be fluent in Haitian Creole."
"As a matter of fact, Roberto has a very nicely shaped head, which goes nicely with his nicely shaped everything else."
"‘Great beauty can be a great handicap,’ she said once, without a hint of vanity."
"Why can’t there be one single guy out there as committed as all of us?"
"I admire those women who buy Christmas presents in July and store them in plastic Tupperware boxes under the bed."
"Walking home, I admire the Christmas displays in the shops."
"Talking for us is limited lately to 'Here’s your mail.'"
"People make up their minds based almost entirely on nonverbal cues."
"I want a man who makes me feel the way Toni Braxton sounds."
"I shouldn’t say reading, I know that’s not the right word."
"I am from the warm and humid coastal town of Barranquilla."
"You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that this anchor has her boat docked near the isle of Lesbos."
"Normal women, decent women, don’t have that kind of problem, and you know what I’m talking about."
"Believe in yourself, especially when no one else does."
"Mexica people have excelled in the arts and sciences since before the Europeans were pulling their women by the hair into caves."
"I’m not the one with the problem. You’re the one with the problem."
"What is wrong with you? You think I want to sleep with my best friend? Are you crazy?"
"Don’t give it up unless he plans to stick around."
"The immigrants you hate have American roots. They’re original here, and so are you."
"I see the way you look at her. You think I don’t see it?"
"I miss him. This town is a drearier place without his words."
"I’m shocked by his attitude. In our Mexica gatherings, he is always polite, almost meek."
"I quickly do the math. It’s in the millions. I would have been happy to come away with a hundred thousand."
"I realize, with a sick feeling, that this pretty young gangster turns me on."
"I feel good, young. We have to take hold of our own images, because no one is going to do it for us."
"But fury forces me to relay some touching personal moments with you."
"I am flooded with guilt. As always, I move quickly forward, try to forget."
"You think I’m ugly, huh? I knew it. You can get all those pretty girls at the club and I’m just stupid and fat."
"I’ve gotten so good at driving to throw people off I feel like a criminal."
"Why wouldn’t she find me attractive? I’m some kind of monster now?"
"I believe God makes no mistakes, and that I’m an earthly expression of His perfection."
"The best thing you can do is distance yourself from people who want to hurt you."
"I love them, Sara. I love women. Don’t make it crass."
"It’s poetic justice, don’t you think? The famous anchor and reporter all of a sudden the subject of news?"
"He said he was doing what came naturally to him as a man."
"I hate him sometimes. But not for what he did to me. You should hate him for what he does to you."
"We’re cowboys and Indians! My boys are the greatest!"
"You love me so much you don’t want to let me love you."
"A little girl? He still holds me in a painful grip, but his eyes are softening a bit, hopeful."
"It’s poverty, I think. I’m not poor now, but I used to be. And once you’ve been poor, money stuff makes you uncomfortable for the rest of your life."
"I’ve learned from this illusion of a marriage with Brad, it’s to wait for the right thing and to trust your instincts."
"I could cry, of course, but I don’t see the point. It was like being weaned off Brad, these past few months, slowly getting used to being without him."
"I want to be strong, for the boys. He would have killed you if she didn’t stop him. You know that."
"I’m not proud of it, but yes. I hate that man so much I could kill him with my bare hands."
"They think I’m cool, you know? I try to hide it from them, but they know what I do."
"I am a manizer the same way my daddy was a womanizer. It’s in my genes."
"You make your own life, and it ain’t over until it’s over."
"I’ve never seen a person work as hard as he does. He has parties every night, somewhere new."
"Puerto Ricans, in case you have forgotten, or never learned, have been U.S. citizens since 1918."
"I don’t want to be here at all. I pull out of the underground parking lot in the truck and speed away."
"I want to write poetry about me and who I am in my own language."
"I can’t believe she’s living in a tower now, all by herself."
"All my adult life, until I got married, I juggled men, at least two at a time."
"The safest bets involve a diversified portfolio."