
Hook Shot Quotes

Hook Shot by Kennedy Ryan

Hook Shot Quotes
"Every storm, a conversation. A volatile exchange. But today, there’s a rainbow."
"A rainbow is the bridge between Heaven and Earth."
"It’s the power of the unbroken line," she says with a gentle smile. "Two women from our lineage together. There’s power in that."
"New York City is a beautiful bitch dipped in glitter, giving you the finger while walking the runway in her Louboutins."
"I love dick, true, but I feel like I need . . . I don’t know, a break."
"I think I’m giving up men while I figure out what the hell is broken in me."
"I’m here to lay a stone on the side of hell. As he begins his journey, I send him on with these words."
"They say if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere."
"I’m not going to ruin this for me," she says, her voice and frown softening. "I know it was good for you, too, so why—"
"It’s not my body that’s tired. Maybe it’s my mind."
"I been at this for a long time. I want to do some other things, including spend more time with Simone."
"It’s having the worst day of your life broadcast for the whole world to see."
"She knows how dark this can get. That is her life at this age."
"One man’s rational is another man’s cowardice."
"It’s a proving ground. All the greats go there at some point."
"People conveniently organize their beliefs around their agendas."
"Religion, when abused, has been one of the most destructive forces in this world."
"I think religion, as it’s tossed around now, has so little compassion."
"It’s us admitting to the universe we don’t have all the answers."
"What matters is he’s not beside me when I wake up."
"I feel his presence and hear his voice in every room."
"I think a lot of people just want to feel like there’s something else."
"I don’t think either of us is ready for this, but damned if I’m not doing it anyway."
"Let me hear your voice for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely."
"This kiss wipes away every man who came before him."
"I’ve been thinking about kissing Lotus again since our last kiss ended."
"You have as much to lose as I do—as much of a leap to trust again."
"I’m not going to talk to Chase. I’m going to punch him in the face."
"You have a lot to lose, Lotus," I say, pulling back to hold her troubled stare. "I have you to lose."
"You’re a grown woman with a normal sex life, so I get it."
"I want to see you all day. Is that possible?"
"It’s quiet, except for our slow, calming breaths filling the air."
"You don’t have to do this," he says, "so I leave marks on you, and you won’t press charges."
"I thought I’d be married to your mom the rest of my life, Moni."
"It's not easy to live with. I'm not easy to live with."
"I finally told my family about what my cousin did to me. They didn’t believe me."
"My self-worth was connected to sex. I believed I had to be sexually desirable to be worth anything to anyone, but that's not true."
"Our minds don't usually let us get away with that forever. And even if we don't remember, it will find a way to manifest."
"I know everything you've done. And I know nothing about fashion, but the show was fantastic. You’re fantastic."
"I haven’t told him details, but I think he has his suspicions."
"I’ve learned so much about intimacy with him, even though we haven’t had sex."
"But I didn’t cry before until after sex. And it’s an awful, lonely feeling."
"You could test it on us. Or not. Whatever you feel like doing."
"I wanted you," he interrupts. "I hadn’t ever wanted anything or anyone the way I wanted you almost from the beginning."
"You had your chance to love me unconditionally, but you chose to change me."
"The only good thing you ever did for me was give me away."
"I used to love watching the sunset from a tree in MiMi’s backyard."
"You’re one of those creatures who only loves once and greatly, I think."
"But you know what? There ain’t a damn thing wrong with me."
"I’m not sure what I can do," I say with appropriate solemnity.
"I want to show in Paris instead of New York."
"I’ll forgive you," I say with a half-pained smile, "if you can forgive me."
"It’s time to bring Lotus back into my life, into our lives."
"The entire sequence takes seconds, but everything retards to a slow-moving, terrifying crawl."
"All I hear is Lotus’s urgent recitation, the psalm falling from her lips with the determined persistence of raindrops pinging a tin roof."
"Love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame."
"The kids are fine. It’s, um, it’s Kenan, hon."
"The whole building, the whole city, the whole world seems to stop for a second."
"My soul would know. I’d get goosebumps. The damn sky would open up and pour out fire."
"I’m fully prepared to make a fool of myself. I’m braced for skepticism and accusations of lunacy, but I refuse to give a fuck."
"I’ve forgotten my friends, and only realize they’re still there when we land."
"We eye each other, neither wavering or backing down."
""Button." That croaked word is all I can squeeze out from a throat as dry and burning as the Sahara."
""I already talked to Simone," he interrupts, his voice low, fervent. "And to Dr. Packer and to my mother. They’re all fine with it. Ecstatic about it.""