
The Curious Charms Of Arthur Pepper Quotes

The Curious Charms Of Arthur Pepper by Phaedra Patrick

The Curious Charms Of Arthur Pepper Quotes
"He gets out of bed at precisely 7:30 a.m., just as he did when his wife, Miriam, was alive."
"Sorting through Miriam’s possessions, Arthur finds an exquisite gold charm bracelet he’s never seen before."
"It’s one year to the day that his wife had died."
"He longed to hear again the pounding of feet on the stairs, and even doors slamming."
"Arthur let his fingers relax first, then his elbows."
"He and Miriam used to love visiting National Trust properties."
"I hoped that one day I might find her again."
"Arthur fastened the lid back onto the ice cream box and carried the charm bracelet downstairs."
"He can’t believe that Dan was now forty and Lucy was thirty-six."
"Arthur said goodbye and thank you for the invitation."
"He doubted very much if she would be impressed by his stashing of his suitcase in a bush. However, he felt rather pleased with himself."
"He refused a lift from a couple of attractive blonde girls who pulled up alongside him in their silver convertible."
"People really were rather pleasant around here and he could forgive the bum-baring incident by the boys in the red car."
"Graystock had once been magnificent. It now had a decayed glamour like it should feature in a moody 1980s pop video."
"His breath came in short wheezes as he trekked toward the hall. Why hadn’t he accepted Bernadette’s offer of a lift?"
"Arthur stood on his tiptoes. The shape moved out of the bushes. The lord wore electric blue slacks and was stripped to the waist."
"Arthur thought. Then he stared with dismay at the lengthy driveway that curved its way to the manor."
"He looked down at his arm. It looked like he’d been paintballed with a splat of scarlet."
"Graystock grunted. He helped Arthur to his feet. 'Let’s get you inside and get you a bandage for your arm.'"
"Arthur accepted it and took a sip. 'You’ve stared death in the face, man. You need a drink.'"
"You must find out. You are young. You have your full life in front of you."
"If you don’t want to find woodlice, don’t go looking under wood."
"Sometimes when you’ve lived a chapter of your life, you don’t want to look back."
"But there are always some people that you keep in your heart, yes? That you never forget."
"It was a good plan but not cheap enough for me."
"I thought Miriam and I knew everything about each other, but now I feel I don’t know anything."
"If she hadn’t turned her attention to him, he would be here now. He’d be married to someone else."
"I have only ever spent the night with my wife. The idea of being with another woman made me feel both nauseous and curious."
"You’re never boring, Arthur. Having kids and being a grown-up is an adventure in itself."
"The more I find out about your mother's remarkable life before me, the more it emphasizes that I’ve never done anything adventurous."
"But the next week I made it again. And it was the best sandwich I’d ever tasted. Now I eat what I want whenever I want it."
"I thought how amazing it would be to paint naked women for a living."
"She ruined my life and the life of my family."
"I hope that answers all your questions, Mr. Pepper. Now you know the truth."
"I loved her, no matter what. I really loved her."
"Although Miriam may have been involved in Martin’s death he had loved her for many years and always would, even if she hadn’t confided in him."
"He felt the need to do this. He was confused and hurt but he wouldn’t allow himself to become bitter."
"Dear Ms. Yardley, I loved my wife with all my heart. She wasn’t perfect, but no one is. I am certainly not."
"I am a quiet man, not particularly bright, not particularly handsome."
"I did wonder for a long time what Miriam saw in me, but she did see something and we were happy."
"You may think of me as a silly, deluded old man, but I want you to know and remember me as the person who loved Miriam and who was loved by Miriam."
"After all these years, I implore you to search your heart to forgive her. If you cannot forgive, then to at least remember the friendship you once shared."
"The only thing of any meaning was that this afternoon his friend Bernadette would find out if she had cancer."
"I have discovered things about her life that I didn’t know... But she had her reasons and I honestly don’t think those reasons were selfish, or to hide anything."