
Beyond Exile Quotes

Beyond Exile by J.L. Bourne

Beyond Exile Quotes
"They are like water, flowing to the point of least resistance."
"The worst thing about them is their dried, decomposing faces."
"If I had a cement truck, I would fill up the fucking hole and just forget about it."
"We are still alive, but our scenario echoes of those that were in the hospital on life support."
"Eventually the averages will catch me. It's the when that is the real clincher."
"We could cherry-pick one from the interstate up north a few miles."
"The smell coming from inside was beyond terrible."
"I keep fighting off the mental urge of self-destructive behavior."
"The commandant is missing in action. It is our best guess he is with his fellow cadre of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs at some secure location, along with most of the nation’s leadership...dead."
"We are the Marine Corps, Department of the Navy."
"They are fine and one of them is with us now. Ramirez is back at base camp on perimeter defense duty but wanted to pass something along face-to-face."
"Let me speak to a commissioned officer now, Marine!"
"We don’t have any... er, I mean we don’t have any here."
"Now listen down there, we need the complex as a forward command center, as there’s still a little bit a' hope. A plan is being formed for the remnants of the U.S. military to attempt reclamation of the United States from the creatures."
"The boomer sub was under before all of this happened, so somehow they’re unaffected by whatever is causin’ the dead to rise."
"We will still support and defend till the end."
"We were not certain, but I had a feeling the bombs that were sitting under those aircraft were not conventional."
"I wondered if any of them had flown over the Hanoi Hilton, giving at least some comfort to the guests."
"Any time I could spend in the air was fine by me."
"I won’t cheapen the experience by putting it into writing."
"Part of me would like to think I cared about her the moment I found her."
"The Gunny and I are leaving military command to one of the most senior staff sergeants."
"Casualties have been zero since the operation officially started."
"I could see Baham looking at me, shaking my shoulder with his right hand."
"I blacked out shortly after and woke up about four hours ago."
"I’m curious if they would remember me as a living man or attack me on sight."
"The only difference was, I was the scared girl who couldn’t turn the light on."
"I can see no sign of the undead on the shore."
"I could not count the number of points on his rack because of the foliage around him."
"Every now and again I think about this and it still shocks me down to my DNA that this is happening."
"The old truck smell of fast-food bags stuffed under the seat, and a sun-baked dashboard told me that no one had been in this rig for a very long time."
"I slept well last night despite hearing something outside before falling asleep."
"The glove compartment revealed nothing but an insurance card that had expired six months ago and a picture of a man and his family standing in front of the Alamo."
"I would give many things to have one day of normalcy from before all this happened."
"The area was nuked and is now a wasteland of radiated undead."
"I plan to leave in a few minutes and shoot the hurricane path between Longview and Shreveport."
"Staying low, quiet, and plan your movements ahead of time."
"Any mistake on the part of the living results in us getting closer to 100 percent infection."
"You can censor the news but you can’t effectively censor the internet."
"The second I hit the street I’d have to start running, but to where?"
"We had gag orders as early as January 3 not to report on the anomaly overseas."
"The second mode of operation was buggy-mounted."
"I remember America complaining about gas prices before all this."
"I am all that is left alive on my floor. There is no way down and no escape."
"After eating most of the duck we began clearing the power plant."
"Using mental math, I calculated that that was over four hundred miles per tank."
"One of the creatures methodically approached, eyes locked on us like a lion stalking prey."
"Before all of this I loved my eight hours of rest per night."
"The SATphone is on and I’m just waiting for the call."
"The trouble would be finding a serviceable VHF radio to make the transmission."
"We are not far from Carthage, maybe fifteen miles."
"We were forced to defend ourselves against hundreds of undead with our backs to the Gulf."
"There is no safe way to perform material condition maintenance, as every dry dock port will most likely be overrun with the creatures."